Beautiful SVT-40 at Zenks!


NES Member
Apr 26, 2005
"Live Free or Die" Hampton, NH
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If you don't have one of these beauties, it's worth a hike out to Whitinsville (Northbridge), MA. Shag has a really nice rifle on hand, and it won't last long. He's asking $795, but he usually has some room for dickering. Check out the auction sites and you won't see a better example for the price.
Wow thats a hefty price. Mine from Zenks is pretty clean with the exception of the pitted receiver cover and thats easily replaceable. I paid $200 less and its got a really nice bore. Is it a Finn capture?
I can only imagine these rifles will go higher in price. Suposeadly theres a bunch of them waiting to come in from Russia if we can ever import milsurps from them again. I say they'd be $400 to $500 in advertisements if it happens.
Forgot to check for the "SA" marking, so I don't know if it was a Finn. I'm sure someone could talk him down to the "deal" level. And right now, I'm seeing them in the $600 to $1000 range on the auction sites.

But what's a Milsurp really worth, anyway? I guess if your plan is to buy it, keep it in the safe for a few years, and sell it for a profit, it's worth one thing. If you buy it to shoot and keep until you're old and grey (or until your eyesight gives out), it might be worth paying a little more....

That's my philosophy lesson for today.
I think 795.00 is just about 100.00 to high but like USMA said, if you are going to keep it and shoot it then I don't see a problem with that!

I was once told by a good friend and fellow 1911 collector that if you think the price is high just wait a year and see. ( this pertained to 1911's but I think most milsurps can qualify) So you can see how the prices have gone crazy in the last few years and I don't see how you could get burned even paying 795.00.
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