From the NRA:
New Hampshire's Right to Self-Defense Needs Your Support, Today!
Please Contact Your State Senator!
Senate Bill 318, sponsored by State Senator Peter E. Bragdon, (R-11, Milford), is expected to be heard Thursday, March 9, in the State Senate. SB 318 simply says if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle, or your place of business, you may presume he is there to do bodily harm, and therefore, you may use necessary force against him.
The bill removes the "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a legal right to be and it provides protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.
It is unreasonable for victims of a crime to have to worry about being arrested
or prosecuted if they use force to defend themselves or their family!
Please contact your Sate Senator at (603) 271-2111 and ask him or her to support your right to self-defense by voting for SB 318!
Please make this call today!
I got a note in my mail about this the other day, but just had it re-affirmed today, and I'm going to be making a few calls. I'd like to see this go through as it is just common sense... My Home, My Familiy.... My Rules.
New Hampshire's Right to Self-Defense Needs Your Support, Today!
Please Contact Your State Senator!
Senate Bill 318, sponsored by State Senator Peter E. Bragdon, (R-11, Milford), is expected to be heard Thursday, March 9, in the State Senate. SB 318 simply says if a criminal breaks into your home, your occupied vehicle, or your place of business, you may presume he is there to do bodily harm, and therefore, you may use necessary force against him.
The bill removes the "duty to retreat" if you are attacked in any place you have a legal right to be and it provides protection from criminal prosecution and civil litigation for those who defend themselves from criminal attack.
It is unreasonable for victims of a crime to have to worry about being arrested
or prosecuted if they use force to defend themselves or their family!
Please contact your Sate Senator at (603) 271-2111 and ask him or her to support your right to self-defense by voting for SB 318!
Please make this call today!
I got a note in my mail about this the other day, but just had it re-affirmed today, and I'm going to be making a few calls. I'd like to see this go through as it is just common sense... My Home, My Familiy.... My Rules.