Ashley Judd ????

Yup. Good lookin' but unimpeded by intelligent, rational thought. Eye candy, but like talking to a fence post.

A buddy married a girl like this. Before the wedding, he asked me why I didn't like her..."she has the IQ of a rock"

his response: 'if I want intelligent conversation, I can get it at work"
A buddy married a girl like this. Before the wedding, he asked me why I didn't like her..."she has the IQ of a rock"

his response: 'if I want intelligent conversation, I can get it at work"

I sure hope that when her looks have faded and he retires from his job he still feels the same way.

I lucked 51% came with beauty and brains! [smile]

As for Judd, she's a moron.
Like some sports figures!
If they couldn'd bat or throw a ball they would be qualified to do little more than pump gas.

Actors and Actresses are waiters and waitresses that slept around to get a break in bollywood.

Right you are sir. What pissed me off the most is that most stupid americans can't see this and follow their leed as gospel. Thats why so many middle class right-leaning americans voted for Obama. They got so hung up in the media slaughter of the republican party that they followed everyone elses leed like good little sheep. Until these people start thinking for themselves and not just agreeing with their favorite actors, sports stars, musicians and fat black talk show hosts we are just going to continue down the shitter.
The news last night (forgot what channel) actually gave a mostly balanced accounting of the whole thing. The issue is the Elk population is declining so they're removing restrictions on wolf hunting as a way to boost the elk population.

Love the moonbats. Wolves are cute and cuddly ..... when you live in the city. [rolleyes]

I'd rather hit this [wink]
When the average John Q. Public starts to make statements about hunting/wildlife management I ask them have they read the findings about the carrying capacity of the land in question for EACH species that is found in the area, environmental impacts of over/under population of each species and how it will affect other species and the overall carrying capacity of the land etc.

When I am done asking them, they blink their eyes at me and ask me what the hell I am talking about. I just reply "I thought you wanted to discuss wildlife management of such and such."

And if the spokesperson is someone from Hollywood opening their mouth about any sort of political point I just change the channel/ignore them.

By all means don't let proven science get in the way of cuddly feelings.

If people like ashley ruled the world it would still be flat.

I got a degree in environmental science so i could bulldoze these arguments with moonbats and justify my reason for hunting cute and cuddly animals. Of course her attitude will change when a kid or someone's dog get killed by a wolf. Just like in Ipswich, it took two selectmen to hit deer in town to realize we might have a deer problem.
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