Article: Teachers Carrying Guns In 40 Ohio School Districts

This is the only way to stop or slow the number of school shootings we have been seeing. All the nutcase copy-cats out there are looking for the softest target possible to rack up the greatest body count. Gun Control won't stop this. New background checks won't stop this. Neither will reducing magazine capacity, banning collapsables stocks, microstamping or any other stupid laws that make committing these atrocities double or triple illegal.

At the end of the day, the only thing that will deter a crazy person from doing this is knowing that they do so at their own peril and will not be uninhibited to accomplish their goal of mass murder.
Really good video.. Ends at 14:49

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Really good video.. Ends at 14:49


Major slant on the video. The heart problems those kids have in Fallujah are routinely done in many hospitals.

This first half of this video paints active-shooter preparation training as a joke, when at least it's something. The second half is slanted to make it seem like the USA caused all those genetic defects some kids have.

Video is good propaganda against sound reason at best.
Major slant on the video. The heart problems those kids have in Fallujah are routinely done in many hospitals.

This first half of this video paints active-shooter preparation training as a joke, when at least it's something. The second half is slanted to make it seem like the USA caused all those genetic defects some kids have.

Video is good propaganda against sound reason at best.
ends at 14:49
ends at 14:49

Up to 14:49 the host tries to downplay the importance of being prepared and not just standing there to take a bullet.

It was a good video because it really makes you realize that preparation is really the best option, regardless what the host says.
MA active-shooter preparation:
- Hide under desk
- Blow rape whistle
- Attempt to pee on assailant
- Beg for life
This is the only way to stop or slow the number of school shootings we have been seeing. All the nutcase copy-cats out there are looking for the softest target possible to rack up the greatest body count. Gun Control won't stop this. New background checks won't stop this. Neither will reducing magazine capacity, banning collapsables stocks, microstamping or any other stupid laws that make committing these atrocities double or triple illegal.

At the end of the day, the only thing that will deter a crazy person from doing this is knowing that they do so at their own peril and will not be uninhibited to accomplish their goal of mass murder.

Not sure the "crazies" are thinking about the possibility of death as most of them are killed by the police or kill themselves. If they can be killed before they mow down 20 people though that'll be a win.
I can see this protecting an individual classroom possibly, but I don't see a teacher saving the school unless he/she is a combat vet or posts on NES.
MA active-shooter preparation:
- Hide under desk
- Blow rape whistle
- Attempt to pee on assailant
- Beg for life

- Active shooter actually enjoys Golden Shower, spares your life
- Massachusetts Attorney General Healey charges you with "Open and Gross Lewdness". you're forced to register as a sex offender, and with the felony conviction you're a prohibited person....(etc)
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