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ERs are subject to very different laws than just a hospital. When I was trained as a paramedic, we were told that if an ER refuses any urgent care, this is an EMTALA violation and subject to a minimum of a $50,000 fine. This would at least include an abortion when the life of the mother is threatened. One could also argue for the morning after pill for a rape victim, as time is important. This is one of the reasons why some hospitals do not want to be forced to provide ER services.
bingo, we've got bingo........

Its not every treatment. Its what's in the best interest of the patient. Allowing a women to not have her rapists baby should be a protected right.

As. For my scenario, some rural hospitals are far apart and some victimized women don't have cars.
Why is religion the issue? I think the real issue is freedom and free will. I'm not Catholic, and I disagree with abortion because I believe it to be the purposeful and premeditated murder of a human life. A doctor or nurse who believes the same should be able to abstain from partaking in the act, even if it is legal under current law based on their moral convictions. Those medical practitioners should be able to exercise their free will and not have to "do harm" to human life. Further down the rights of individuals road, might I add that no fundamental human right should infringe on the fundamental human rights of others (therefore saying "my body, my choice" is hardly a personal decision as it destroys a human life (an innocent one at that). But please remember, Coakley would rather allow people to destroy the life of a fetus, than allow you or I the right to protect our own lives through carrying a firearm. And to the point that some of you may make about me potentially destroying a life in the preservation of my own or others, I would only expect to do harm to someone when they are intending to infringe upon my fundamental human right of self preservation. In the case of life of the mother to justify abortion, I suppose the mother has to make a decision. Other than that, I am leaning toward the "I'm not a big fan or murder" argument.
Whenever I hear her speak I have to run to the bathroom to get sick.. If Scott Brown is elected, it will be the first time in my adult life I will be proud to admit I am from Ma.
P.O. They were speaking alot of rape... CVS Walgreens Planed parent hood etc... will provide you plan b the bill would not have stoped that. If it was to late for plan be you can still get the part abortion pill that you dont need to go to an ER for. oh yeah i thought we werent allowed to talk about abortions on here?
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