Article: MD Dem Sen: We Won’t Stop Gun Control Push Until Death Toll Hits ‘Zero’

Willful ignorance feeds self delusion.

Stapleton did not say how she and other gun control supporters plan to get street criminals and gang members to undergo background checks before buying the guns they plan to use to carry out their criminal activity.

^^That stuck out to me as well. They propose results, but have no actual solutions.

I hope they find dirt on this Senator Raskin like they found on Leland Yee.
How about we apply the same logic to everything government like we (politicians) won't draw a salary until the budget is balanced.
I agree with him. and I'm gonna get right on that as soon as we bring car deaths, drug deaths, gang deaths, cops killing unarmed citizen deaths and home swimming pool drownings in this country to zero. So as soon as I'm done with that list I'm gonna get right on that gun crap. So it's on my list.
This guy is a grown man? Jamie? His dad called and wants his suit back. And his 12 yr old niece wants her first name back. F*cking douche.
will not quit pushing gun control until they have an annual “death toll of zero”

Bet they run out of D's first. A few more "work place violence" incidents and this will go away as people realize they're not safe.
How about we apply the same logic to everything government like we (politicians) won't draw a salary until the budget is balanced.

That's where I'd start.

I welcome this new zero tolerance policy. Let's start with ZERO tolerance for wasting one single cent of taxpayer dollars. ZERO tolerance for cops getting off when they shoot unarmed civilians. ZERO tolerance for ANY murders - and the police will be CHARGED if they fail to prevent them (after all - if we don't need guns then the police need to be there to prevent the murders) - etc.

A big part of the problem here is right on our side.

For instance if the left wants to constantly claim that we don't need guns because we have police - well then fine. Let's run with that. Whenever a murder happens - a politician should start an inquiry into why the police were not there to prevent it. NO excuses. If murders occur and the police are not there to prevent them - then police get charged for negligence and their asses get thrown in jail.

Watch how fast police start DEMANDING that people be allowed to carry.
Private firearms ownership is not the root cause of the violence problem in Baltimore, and other slums across America. He needs to first look at thug culture, as a start.
Anyone with more than a third grade education knows that even a full up gun ban and confiscation will not lead to 'zero' gun deaths.

This is proven fact. England and Australia.
the death toll will never hit zero. he knows this so this is his plan. He wants a gun ban and confiscation. He is a traitor to the constitution and the bill of rights. He needs to resign now or get voted out. either is acceptable. Then he should move to russia or china.
the death toll will never hit zero. he knows this so this is his plan. He wants a gun ban and confiscation. He is a traitor to the constitution and the bill of rights. He needs to resign now or get voted out. either is acceptable. Then he should move to russia or china.

VT is pretty damn close. They have like, what 4 or 5 gun homicides per year? And we all know what their gun laws are like, right?!

Maybe we should copy THAT model!?
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