Article: Martha Coakley thugs assault reporter.

Assault? I wonder if that thug has a L.T.C.- Probably shouldnt be pushing people down if so, Martha should have said she didnt know the guy(the thug) i think she kinda f^*ked up--GO SCOTT BROWN-HES THE MAN AND HES GOT THE MOMENTUM!
Assault? I wonder if that thug has a L.T.C.- Probably shouldnt be pushing people down if so, Martha should have said she didnt know the guy(the thug) i think she kinda f^*ked up--GO SCOTT BROWN-HES THE MAN AND HES GOT THE MOMENTUM!

The real crime here is wearing a purple quarter-zip sweatshirt under his suit jacket. Get a top coat if you are cold.
This lady is the top prosecutor / law enforcement officer in the Commonwealth and watches a reporter get assaulted by one of her aides. She doesn't bother to come to his aid, hold back her guy, ask him if he's hurt, etc. It's not as though her head was turned or her back was to him, or she was distracted - she's watching it unfold in front of her with her hands in her pockets!

The Citizens of the Commonwealth have an awesome opportunity...
1. A chance to change the perspective of the 2008 election just a little over a year later,
2. A chance to push the conservative and libertarian platform a year early before mid-terms,
3. A chance to show the country that such a liberal-leaning place like Mass isn't 'safe territory' for the Democrats,
4. A chance to stop the Obama/Reid/Pelosi healthcare bill.

This is the chance of a lifetime.
She assaults our rights, are we really suprised at her people assaulting a reporter and then doing nothing about it? There is the law and then there is "Coakley's Law"!
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