Article: Geraldo Rivera on San Bernardino Shooting: ‘2nd Amendment Is Stupid

Tools will be tools. He has made so much money for doing absoluty nothing to contribute to society as a whole.
are you sure we cannot restrict certain individual's first amendment rights? lmao...

He is the stupid one. Without 2 all the rest would be on borrowed time. How is this so difficult to understand?
I recall he broke a cardinal rule for reporters where he carried a sidearm while in Afganistan. What a hypocrite.
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MSM is yacking about how firearms were purchased legally. Not hearing much about about these 2 muslim religous fanatics.
That tool was on Twitter the entire day spewing b.s. About gun control. You'd think a "journalist" would report on facts and not jump to conclusions. Him, hilary, OMalley, the commie, MSNBC and just about every other leftist propagandist were spewing anti 2a crap while literally nothing was known about the attack or the attackers. Other than the names of the shooters nothing is known. The same clowns crying about the militarization of the police were saying thank god they have all that armor.
they have to spew their anti agenda as soon as they can. the sad truth for them is the only way to stop these types of things is to let people defend themselves. They spouted yesterday on the news about "how fast" the police got there. And they probably did get there fast. But I measure the time by injuries and casualties. It took them exactly 17 injuries and 14 deaths to arrive at this most recent tragedy.

So, do you think the victims or their families think the cops got there fast enough?

The democrats know like everyone else but the media won't say it. The cops cannot be there at the beginning of every tragedy. The police know it. Most if not all on here know it and by the media and the anti's ignoring this obvious fact they are causing more and more deaths everyday.

I'm not saying nobody would have died. There is no way for me or anyone else to know that. But what I do know is that none of the victims in any of these massacres had a chance.
they have to spew their anti agenda as soon as they can. the sad truth for them is the only way to stop these types of things is to let people defend themselves. They spouted yesterday on the news about "how fast" the police got there. And they probably did get there fast. But I measure the time by injuries and casualties. It took them exactly 17 injuries and 14 deaths to arrive at this most recent tragedy.

So, do you think the victims or their families think the cops got there fast enough?

The democrats know like everyone else but the media won't say it. The cops cannot be there at the beginning of every tragedy. The police know it. Most if not all on here know it and by the media and the anti's ignoring this obvious fact they are causing more and more deaths everyday.

I'm not saying nobody would have died. There is no way for me or anyone else to know that. But what I do know is that none of the victims in any of these massacres had a chance.

The cops only got there fast enough because they were doing an active shooter drill about 1.5 miles away. Same as Sandy Hook - is there a .gov connection between these shootings and active shooter drills?
The cops only got there fast enough because they were doing an active shooter drill about 1.5 miles away. Same as Sandy Hook - is there a .gov connection between these shootings and active shooter drills?

so even being that close all this was still able to happen. I guess that's my point. We need to be the ones armed so we can protect ourselves. Because if this type of event happens to us we are the ones in the direct line of fire with the immediate ability to defend. Even when the cops get there they don't rush in. They take more time to assess the situation leaving more time for the bad guy to kill or injure more people.

The only way to stop or at least impeded these events is for people to be willing to arm themselves and fight if or when the need arises. Short of that i do not see any way for these types of events to be stopped.
remember when he was covering Iraq after 9/11 on Fox News, he was running around with a handgun in case he got the chance to take out Bin Laden himself? What a hypocrite douche.
I wonder if he wished his daughter had a gun when she was in the stadium that got bombed in Paris or if she should just lay down and wait to get killed like the lady at the restaurant.
I wonder if he wished his daughter had a gun when she was in the stadium that got bombed in Paris or if she should just lay down and wait to get killed like the lady at the restaurant.

Based on these statements, he doesn't trust her or himself with a firearm.

Speaking of the attacks in Paris, France doesn't have a 2nd Amendment, do they? Yet SOMEHOW, terrorists managed to shoot the city up and carry out deadly attacks in which his daughter was present for?!

How do you explain this, Geraldo? Huh, dip$hit?
I wish I had that video of the skinhead cracking Geraldo in the face with a chair so I could watch it on a loop over and over and over again.

Good times.
I guess he just lost his job too last week

Geraldo believes he was wronged, however, and intends to pursue legal action, according to his Facebook post. Because of WABC’s “unforgivable disrespect I will fight them and they will end up costing their battered company far more in damages than they expect to save in my salary,” he said.

Chad Lopez, market manager for Cumulus, told Radio Ink, “We offered Geraldo a new renewal commensurate with the value of his show, which he regretfully chose not to accept. We wish him the best.”
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