Article: Forget rabbit, duck season — it's drone season for hunters in Colorado town

This licence should come with a foil hat. But what a great fund raiser for the town, and the guy starting it.
This licence should come with a foil hat.

I understand and agree with the sentiment of not having "drones" (RPVs and UAVs) flying around domestically, but sometimes question the thought process of those advocating shooting them down.

These people should be aware that many of these aircraft operate at altitudes which make it highly unlikely (dare I say impossible) that they can be detected and engaged by ground based small arms fire - you can't see them or hear them.

A person wishing to down a drone would have a much better chance of doing so by positioning themselves near the launch / recovery site and waiting for a drone to take-off or land.

However, this significantly increases the risk of being captured / killed by the local security elements.
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