Article: Famed Sandy Hook Connecticut State Policeman Says Opposing Gun Grab Is Un-Am

Of course they have to dance around it - they can't come right out and say "Yes, if you don't do what we tell you, we will show up on your doorstep with SWAT, a Bearcat and an ambulance."

You never tell the 'enemy' what you are going to do - unless it involves putting the US military at risk and it benefits the politicians.
The very definition of American involves questioning/standing up to/fighting an oppressive government. He can die in a fire after getting cancer of the eyes.
Granted, I think she came off a wee bit looney toons for effect, the very fact that this cretin just said "We're [the police] are the masters" is horrendously alarming.

I can't say I am surprised, but I think now is the time that all of us do some deep introspection as to how we as a group proceed from here on out. This is clearly more than about gun control, but the very definition of people control and the suppression of the populace for other, nefarious reasons.

I call upon all the membership of NES to consider their actions, their lives and their commitment to the Constitution and decide what's worth it. Our futures and the futures of our children are clearly at stake here.

When I was in college, I studied Humanities during my first 2 years and the theme that struck me and stayed with me was and remains, living the Examined Life. It calls upon the thinking man and woman to introspect and evaluate what their lives mean in the context of all humanity and how the actions and thinking of one individual contribute to the whole of humanity. I think its time to live Examined Lives in the context of the Constitution, as it is as close to affirming humanity in a codified manner - if we live constitutionally, we live more humanely.

Any other philosophy nuts want to expand on this?
Talking head whose job relies on the politicians. He is going to say and do what is required of him to pass muster, get a contract and cola raises. Even if that means that he is the antithesis of his true position. You sir are no longer a policeman rather a .gov henchman. It is better to not enforce a tyrannical unconstitutional law than to turn a blind eye to injustice.
Lt. Vance - "Did I take an oath to The Constitution?"
"It's not your affair what I do and don't do."
"I'm the Master."

Just following orders, he says. Nuremburg Defense. "Befehl ist Befehl"
Apologies for the long posting, but I am not exactly sure what was the point of that phone call. If it was to persuade Lt Vance or any of the sworn officers in CT to refuse an order to confiscate Unregistered ("illegal") firearms, then I am pretty sure the caller did not accomplish it.

I was interested in their conversation through almost the 7 minute mark and - in that duration - I thought Lt Vance handled the conversation pretty well. I would have loved to have him say he would not cooperate with an order to go door to door and confiscate "illegal" weapons - but that's a very unrealistic hope. Imagine the ramifications he would have faced had that statement been captured on the tape ! Folks here may not care - but Lt Vance does and I'm sure it affects what he says. Even if he were intending to refuse or ignore such an order - it would be very unwise for him to make that declaration as part of this sort of phone call.

Until about the 7:00 minute mark, I think much of Lt. Vance's response was pretty much on target:
The decision to go door to door confiscating weapons has not been made as yet - There is lots of saber rattling and it looks as though CT.Gov is on that path. So, someday he and all CT sworn officers may need to make a decision about executing an order to confiscate "illegal" weapons, but today is not that day. Prematurely making a unilateral declaration about not executing that order would be devastating to the officer and we would have lost a well placed ally if indeed he were of the mind to refuse/ignore it.

Until the Courts declare the law unconstitutional, then it is the Law of the Land and the oath of sworn officers is to uphold the law - All of the laws. Law Enforcement Officers do just that, enforce laws, not enact them. They have some discretion, but this topic is well beyond individual officer discretion, at least not without significant repercussions.

LEO's don't give individualized legal advice. That's why we have independent, practicing lawyers. I can't count how many threads on NES attest to the problems of seeking legal advice from LEO's.

Unless and until an order to confiscate weapons is issued, the right and best place to have this fight is with the Legislative & Executive Branches and in the Courts. That's how the system works. Unfortunately, the caller's point about the legislature not listening is all too true, but that is why we have courts and hold elections every couple of years. I understand and agree that the 'system' isn't working very well right now, especially on this topic and never seems to work very quickly. But it is the best system I know and there aren't many viable alternatives between working the system and 'Go Time'.

The people aligned against us are well organized and have strong allies. Including, it would seem the media. We have raw numbers but need to similarly band together and align our best methods and arguments against them. Activities like this phone call can help rally the faithful, but i don't think they do much else beyond annoying the person answering the call. Especially when we let our passion and conviction overwhelm our ability to be logically persuasive. Let's work to make allies of guys like Lt Vance. I'll admit that it's hard or not possible to do this in many cases, but I get concerned that 1-off efforts can only make the road more difficult.
I'm with "Engineer" on this one. I like my guns and I love my Constitutional Rights but this lady (caller) is an idiot and that phone call was embarrassing. To me the call came across like a "prank" and this is exactly the kind of crap that helps the "Gun Control" left paint us as wack jobs. Clearly her only goal here was to make this recording, post it on the web and insight the rubes. Well done Ashley.
Until the Courts declare the law unconstitutional, then it is the Law of the Land and the oath of sworn officers is to uphold the law - All of the laws. Law Enforcement Officers do just that, enforce laws, not enact them. They have some discretion, but this topic is well beyond individual officer discretion, at least not without significant repercussions.

I could not disagree with this statement
hopefully some day this bastard knows what its like worrying if someone is going to kick your door down and murder you.
David Duchovny says he's full of crap:

Our country was founded on a distrust of government. Our founding fathers gave power to the people to keep an eye on government. So when politicians say, Trust me, they're actually being very un-American.

Guess you can add cops to that list of people who can't be trusted.
What if they do declare it unconstititional..then what. The masters then become the slaves.. The average person out there is too busy surviving to fight for his or her rights. Anyone who takes up arms will be crucified by the controled media. George Carlin had it right you don't have a choice everything is bought and paid for.. If the day comes when American finally wakes up count me in..[iwojima]
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Actually its a brilliant call because it badgers the snot out of these tyrants

Every time we remind them that an increasing number of people oppose their statist actions increases the likelyhood that they will think twice about taking some unlawful/immoral action against citizens
Actually its a brilliant call because it badgers the snot out of these tyrants

Every time we remind them that an increasing number of people oppose their statist actions increases the likelyhood that they will think twice about taking some unlawful/immoral action against citizens

yup, the best thing the out of state guys can do for the moment is annoy the **** out of them, call them like this guy did, comment on newspaper articles, call radio stations, etc. the more people getting in their faces the more they'll realize the can of shit they just opened
I called the next day after seeing this; " Hi! I hear that you guys are planning to come door to door to confiscate firearms?" "SIR, WE HAVE A LINE THAT WE'RE TRANSFERRING ALL OF THESE CALLS TO, IM GOING TO TRANSFER YOU NOW" "Okay. Thanks!"
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