Article: EXCLUSIVE: Issa Says Fast and Furious Docs May Implicate Eric Holder

I was surprised that the .50 cal found with Sean penns buddy was paraded out and announced it was traced back to holder.

removes any denial what that bonehead did.

since obozo likes exchanges so well, let's give holder to the Mexicans for el chapo.
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he can't pardon him from future prosecution...If they wait to go to trial til after the election...otherwise your right

Unfortunately incorrect. A presidential pardon can be granted for past crimes even if no prosecution has taken place or is even envisioned. Think about Ford/Nixon. It happens all the time with presidential pardons at the end of the term in office.
Congress is all bark and no bite, except when their teeth latch on to American taxpayers' ass, then it's pounds after pounds of flesh.
Unfortunately incorrect. A presidential pardon can be granted for past crimes even if no prosecution has taken place or is even envisioned. Think about Ford/Nixon. It happens all the time with presidential pardons at the end of the term in office.

His point was that past presidents can not issue pardons against future charges... So if charges are brought after bozo is out of office - then there's nothing he can do.
His point was that past presidents can not issue pardons against future charges... So if charges are brought after bozo is out of office - then there's nothing he can do.

Yes, that was his point, but his point is inaccurate. It is not about when charges are brought but when the crime was committed. A presidential pardon can be given for past crimes regardless of whether charges have been brought. Once pardoned, there are no future charges for the past crime because of the pardon. Holder would only be able to be charged with crimes committed after the pardon our outside the scope of the pardon.

From Wiki
A presidential pardon may be granted at any time, however, and as when Ford pardoned Nixon, the pardoned person need not yet have been convicted or even formally charged with a crime.

From a 2008 Slate article which further references the SCOTUS case that clarified this ability
In 1866, the Supreme Court ruled in Ex parte Garland that the pardon power "extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment." (In that case, a former Confederate senator successfully petitioned the court to uphold a pardon that prevented him from being disbarred.) Generally speaking, once an act has been committed, the president can issue a pardon at any time—regardless of whether charges have even been filed.

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