Article: Chelsea Handler Rips Gun Owners: Your ‘Hobby’ is Getting People Killed

She's a degenerate scumbag. TWO, yes two, separate "a-words" that we're not supposed to mention on this site (rhymes with kaborshun), BOTH while she was 16. Quite a busy year Chelsea... Also had 50cent up in her. Who gives a sh!t what she has to say about anything. She should be shamed into suicide.
Funny how when these D List celebrities start to become even LESS relevant they make a statement about gun control - something guaranteed to generate a reaction - as a means to get some trending.
She's a degenerate scumbag. TWO, yes two, separate "a-words" that we're not supposed to mention on this site (rhymes with kaborshun), BOTH while she was 16. Quite a busy year Chelsea... Also had 50cent up in her. Who gives a sh!t what she has to say about anything. She should be shamed into suicide.
A complete skank, once claimed she was "proud that I f*cked my way to fame" and who once told an interviewer she would "f*ck a fire hydrant if it were black".... I really, honestly don't give a flying rat's arse as to what this douchebag says, thinks, does etc etc etc.... And just wait a few more years til she's wrinkled and sexually diseased, it affects her (already messed up) brain, she pulls a Kathy Griffin, says something over the line and then fades/whithers into the sunset.. Ugh.
Not even if it was 1am and she was the only one left in the bar except the janitor. Get away from me, skank.
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She's already faded, I think thats the whole point of her opening her mouth. Hollywood types rarely go off script. Her people were probably sitting around brainstorming how to get her name back out there. From a Hollywood standpoint, 2A is a pretty safe punching bag.

Best thing we can all do is ignore her. No Facebook posts, no Twitter posts, no talk around the water cooler, let it fizzle out like her career. Shes not influential enough to change anyone's mind so why help her by giving her exposure.
Proof positive that if you have enough cash, and can afford weekly (daily? hourly??) trips to the hair/makeup/beauty salons, they can sometimes work "miracles"... Chelsea Handler is probably spending only slightly less than the Gross National Product of several small nations (combined?) to, um, "retain her natural beauty"....

Just sayin'
The court jester always kisses the ass of the king to gain favor. Hollywood is the modern day incarnation of this.
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