Article: Anti-Hunting Outrage Forcing Zimbabwe to Take Out 200 Lions

Unfortunately, people like Sharon Osborne will remain atop their ivory towers unaffected by their selective outrage.

Meanwhile, the victims of this fake outrage by the animal rights activists will only be the people of Zimbabwe!! Not only will they have to deal with an overpopulation of predators due to any big game hunter with half a brain being scared to hunt there, but the people of Zimbabwe's hunting industry and economy will suffer as well!!

Nice job Sharon Osborne! I hope that you can live with yourself! I am sure that you will be just fine, though. With all of your hubby's money.

No surprise here. Just another not very well thought through left wing cause with good intentions and unintended dire consequences...for someone other than the protesters. Nice.
I guess hunters are necessary to keep the balance these days....hmmm...who would have thought....something an anti will never understand...

"And the New Zealand Herald reports that the numerous lions are “decimating populations of antelope, along with other animals such as giraffe, cheetah, leopards and wild dogs, after the driest summer on record kept grasses low and made the small game easy targets.”
And last night on ABC was a program devoted to showing the lions as an endangered species in Uganda and Kenya,, seems a trade might be done to fill in gaps in the lion population maybe??
And last night on ABC was a program devoted to showing the lions as an endangered species in Uganda and Kenya,, seems a trade might be done to fill in gaps in the lion population maybe??

Are you going to catch 300 lions for the trade? [thinking]
put face masks that look like Hillary Clinton on all the female lions. Population explosion averted!
There are plenty out there who think nature is defined by the absence of human interference. They do this while eating food produced with great disturbance to the natural order, in homes that displace all manner of flora and fauna, and while consuming energy in manner and magnitude inconceivable just a century ago. Man has an impact. Whether a few hundred lions exist or not is immaterial. The folly is running a zoo in the first place. Things change. The arrogant notion that 7 billion people can exist without changing the world requires a special level of denial. A few million Americans will weep for one lion that had a relatively free and happy life, all while snacking on hundreds of thousands of dead chickens raised in wire cages. Figure that one out.
economist, PREACH!!

Don't poke a sleeping bear - ever.

He's really gonna say some thing like:
If you only have one thing - and people are going to stand in line for it - don't stop what you are doing. Oh but if they do, yer fawked. You really need more than one thing.

Or something so wordy that you don''t really read it but you get the gist of it that says the same thing. The guy is genius but keep a candy bar close by - He may need it and I keep a candy bay close at all times.

Miss you E - hope things are well with you.
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There are plenty out there who think nature is defined by the absence of human interference. They do this while eating food produced with great disturbance to the natural order, in homes that displace all manner of flora and fauna, and while consuming energy in manner and magnitude inconceivable just a century ago. Man has an impact. Whether a few hundred lions exist or not is immaterial. The folly is running a zoo in the first place. Things change. The arrogant notion that 7 billion people can exist without changing the world requires a special level of denial. A few million Americans will weep for one lion that had a relatively free and happy life, all while snacking on hundreds of thousands of dead chickens raised in wire cages. Figure that one out.

All this BS aside...

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sorry - too late
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