It boggles my mind that our military personnel have to beg to protect themselves while stateside - makes no sense at all

And it makes even less sense that there are 15% that oppose it
I don't find the percentages all that shocking. 15% against is a little high though.

I used to work in a building that had just over 30 employees. Just one had liberal tendencies, and then only to a point. The rest would make most folks here look like raving liberal moonbats in comparison. I was a DOD civilian, required to be a member of the National Guard.
it boggles the mind why the armed forces would want to introduce arms into armed forces bases. gun free zones have been working out so well until guns are introduced. [thinking] as a matter of fact I am waiting for the first police chief to announce their PD is a 100% gun free zone. [laugh]
I currently work out of a military base in this state, and so when I leave my house at 6am and get back at 5pm, I've already spent the majority of my day being unable to properly defend myself or take advantage of my right to carry. I carry as often as I could, but these laws put a serious damper on the people who are supposedly trusted to defend American freedom. It just irritates the hell out of me.
When I go to my unit for my weekend drill, I'm not even supposed to have a weapon on the property. That is the policy of the Mass National Guard. It's mind boggling and frustrating.
Who the hell is the 5th? 20% of them don't?? That's the shocker.
The Generals....
I wouldn't be surprised to be told that base carry restrictions was many decades in the making, and ostensibly to keep grudges non-lethal (certainly not to minimize AD's). However, I've suspected for some time that the real purpose was for protection of the officer ranks. Maybe not a bad guess: Fragging.
I wouldn't be surprised to be told that base carry restrictions was many decades in the making, and ostensibly to keep grudges non-lethal (certainly not to minimize AD's). However, I've suspected for some time that the real purpose was for protection of the officer ranks. Maybe not a bad guess: Fragging.

I'll bet this one of the major reasons, if not the top reason.

Some officers really should be afraid of being fragged, from what they've done. I'm not, and yeah, now I'm a commissioned officer. Was a senior NCO.
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