Any good deals on long term food?

A tidbit I picked up a couple years ago. Cigarettes to use as barter.

This was highlighted in One Second After (about an EMP attack).

I read a pack of cigarettes costs $8 in Mass? I bought a couple cases in Taiwan for a coworker (I think it was a Japanese brand) and they worked out to like $1/pack. I think US brands were similar in price.

I guess I should stock up next time I'm in Asia. I don't know how long they last though.
Just ordered the Mountain House Classic Assortment Bucket, $85 with shipping from Emergency Essentials. I got quite a few months of food and water in the house, but this is my first really real prepper food.

I think this was $50 at Amazon a few weeks ago, i ordered one, but it's like 4-8 weeks backordered. EMP will probably hit before I get it.
This was highlighted in One Second After (about an EMP attack).

I read a pack of cigarettes costs $8 in Mass? I bought a couple cases in Taiwan for a coworker (I think it was a Japanese brand) and they worked out to like $1/pack. I think US brands were similar in price.

I guess I should stock up next time I'm in Asia. I don't know how long they last though.

keep them in the freezer.
Lookup Augason Farms items on You can mix and match with free shipping over 50 dollers.

The Mormon website Is good too, just limited in its offerings.
All kinds of good info here.

A tidbit I picked up a couple years ago. Cigarettes to use as barter. When I heard it I immediately thought "psh.. whatever".. then when I stopped at the grocery store on the way home I saw someone rooting through the used bin looking for other people's discarded, but still good pieces. Personally, I was grossed out enough to think about barfing.. but.. it illustrated the point!

I'm not big on the idea of stocking up on stuff to barter in case the world ends, as I feel that if you become known as the local person who has stuff to barter, you also run a chance of becoming that dead guy who *used* to have stuff to barter, but if you want stuff to barter with, smokes would be a great choice. Speaking as a smoker, it's really rough when you have to go cold turkey and it would be tempting to trade off stuff you need for a pack of smokes.
Before you buy anything from anywhere re. Augason, check I bought stuff at half the price on the Augason site with free shipping to boot.
my wife has been making fun of me because I want to try canning butter. Not for survival neccessarily.. I just think the idea is weird and awesome.

As to the cigs. The thing I listened to said to vacuum pack them and they will last, essentially, as long as the vacuum seal holds.
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