anti hunters at work

Jan 21, 2007
Southcoast, MA
Feedback: 11 / 0 / 0
i got told by one of my liberal ,anti gun and anti hunting coworkers that me a catholic that "catholics were the most bigoted people on earth" because i expressed my opinion that god put animals here for us to hunt. while he calls me a "arab" and "mohammed" because i have dark skin and a beard. who's the bigot here?
i got told by one of my liberal ,anti gun and anti hunting coworkers that me a catholic that "catholics were the most bigoted people on earth" because i expressed my opinion that god put animals here for us to hunt. while he calls me a "arab" and "mohammed" because i have dark skin and a beard. who's the bigot here?

Answer: he is.

Solution: Ignore it. Don't react to his comments, and don't return the 'favor.' If it really becomes a problem, talk with HR, but don't give him any fuel he could use against you in the future.
Answer: he is.

Solution: Ignore it. Don't react to his comments, and don't return the 'favor.' If it really becomes a problem, talk with HR, but don't give him any fuel he could use against you in the future.

im going to ignore it belive me! i work in a print shop in hanover a liberal strong hold anyway and i come from south plymouth (consertive town). saw one bumper sticker on a car that said "hunter jumper" so that kinda of spells out the kind of people in the area. im ready to just stop talking about anything any more so i can avoid the crap involved from these people.
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while he calls me a "arab" and "mohammed" because i have dark skin and a beard. who's the bigot here?---
Sounds like hate speech, you might mention that to him.


im going to ignore it belive me! i work in a print shop in hanover a liberal strong hold anyway and i come from south plymouth (consertive town). saw one bumper sticker on a car that said "hunter jumper" so that kinda of spells out the kind of people in the area. im ready to just stop talking about anything any more so i can avoid the crap involved from these people.

What do you think hunter jumper means? And why is someone who rides horses a lib? They may actually do an occasional fox hunt. Never judge a book by its cover.
I'd definitely go to HR and tell them that the constant harassment is having a profound effect on your productivity and quality of workmanship.

+1 And tell HR that you feel he/she has made your work environment a hostile one, and if action isn't taken, you will pursue it with an attorney.
Tell him to watch that movie Faces of Death and see if he still thinks hunting is so bad.

I say complain, the liberals are always complaining about us, what goes around comes around.
the problem with these two pressman is that they are both brothers and the manager is there father so it's kinda anything go's for them. they think there better than me because im just a lowly lumper.
Start wearing a Turban to work......If they give you any grief tell them you are expressing your freedom of religion. Then if they continue to hound you, you can lawyer up!
i got told by one of my liberal ,anti gun and anti hunting coworkers that me a catholic that "catholics were the most bigoted people on earth" because i expressed my opinion that god put animals here for us to hunt. while he calls me a "arab" and "mohammed" because i have dark skin and a beard. who's the bigot here?

So you are the Catholic? "that me a Catholic" ?? But then he spews "arab" and "mohammed" That doesn't make any sense to me...?

Anyway this guy is obviously creating a hostile work environment and should be reported.

Can you give us some more info?

If you're a loader, dabs of ink on the paper between stacks will run multiple sheets through the press and jam it up.
Dabs of ink on the handles of everything he touches works well too.
if you get in to work before him, screw with the fountain solution, add oil to it or run the flow up so he blames the previous shift and loses his mind.
work went ok tonight because i didnt bring up the subject of hunting or guns with these fools, it sounds like you have some press experince boomerang, i work a a 20 color rockwell web press im just a loader though.
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Loaders become pressmen who make more money than everybody else in the shop when they get overtime. I'm not in printing anymore. I'm a digital artist. Its not as dusty.
If they piss you off, just hit the buzzer when they're in the machine.
The guy calls you, a Catholic, Mohamed 'cause you have a beard and a non-pasty complexion? Ouch...that hurt my brains. Sounds quite ignorant, confused, and hostile.
Dislike for guns or not those statements aren't tolerated out of the workplace let alone within it. I'd talk to HR and if it truly bothers you I'd talk to an employment attorney.

Unless, he's a vegan he has no leg to stand on regarding hunting. Where does he think his steak comes from? Or his belt or shoes? A meat tree?

BTW, God didn't put animals here for us to hunt. Please, don't tell people that. Hunters should have a healthy respect for the coexistence of all living creatures and as Christian hunters we have double the moral obligation.

Genesis 1:28,9
28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground."
29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.

This Old Testament passage has even been used to make the case that Christians should all be vegetarians. That argument goes back and forth but what it states is that Christians and Jews are to be stewards of the animals God has put on earth. 'To Rule' is transliterated from the original ancient Hebrew into German then English( twice or more) and it doesn't mean to do with what we want; as in kill for sport because we are greater than the animals.

I hunt and fish, a lot, with respect and knowledge that what's in my freezer, whether in cellophane from the store or paper from the field, was once a living creature placed here not for me to destroy for enjoyment.
i got told by one of my liberal ,anti gun and anti hunting coworkers that me a catholic that "catholics were the most bigoted people on earth" because i expressed my opinion that god put animals here for us to hunt. while he calls me a "arab" and "mohammed" because i have dark skin and a beard. who's the bigot here?

I've found Catholic bashing to be so commonplace that complaining to HR or even attemptinig to discuss a lawsuit is prettty much useless.

As for being called "arab" and "mohammed" because you have dark skin and a beard, is another thing though and should not be ignored ! Even if you are not a member of this minority the protections they enjoy can be applied to you as well. Play the PC game and complain ! Heck I'll bet you'd even find an attorney willing to file suiit on your behalf.

...saw one bumper sticker on a car that said "hunter jumper" ...

What do you think hunter jumper means? And why is someone who rides horses a lib? They may actually do an occasional fox hunt. Never judge a book by its cover.

Like this ? [smile]
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Your link has an extra http://

Figguers, the one time I didn't check it. [thinking]

Linky all fixed now. [smile]

Thanks and a Tip O'the Stetson™
thanks for the kind words guys but i doesnt really bother me that much it just amazes me that some one calls me me a bigot then call me arab names.

as for the hunter jumper i didnt know what it ment so i aplogize to all the jockys on the forum :)
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