Another Standard Times Gun Violence Article

Aug 1, 2009
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Lots of gun violence and gun talk in the southcoast this past month. I just hope people are reading the articles and not just looking at the pictures. Peoples first impressions are always the lasting ones.

NEW BEDFORD — Religious, civic and elected officials joined forces Sunday in a campaign to stop gun violence on the city's streets, recognizing that everyone must get involved in the solution and all pledging to do their part.

Deploring violence as a solution at any time, the leaders signed a peace covenant at the conclusion of the program in the Centre Trinity United Methodist Church, committing themselves to promoting "safe havens" for young people as well as initiatives that promote positive alternatives to violence.

"We're silent no longer," said the Rev. David Lima, pastor of the New Seasons Worship Center in East Freetown, and executive minister of the Interchurch Council.

Members of the faith community said they will preach from their pulpits and urge their congregations to do what they can to promote peaceful solutions and discourage violence in their homes, workplaces and communities.

Sunday's heavy rains forced the cancellation of the planned procession from the Paul Rodrigues Administration Building to City Hall and moved the program indoors to the nearby County Street church.

The anti-violence program — which will continue Sunday with Amnesty Day, where people can turn in firearms at four local churches from 2 to 5 p.m. — is a response to a recent spike in gun violence in New Bedford. The participating churches are Grace Episcopal Church, Potter's House, Our Lady of Assumption and Union Baptist Church.

About 150 people attended the anti-violence program, which was highlighted by the emotional pleas of friends and family members of two city homicide victims.

They told how the bullets that killed their friend and their son also touched them.

Britney Rozanski, a close friend of Bianca Rosado, 18, killed July 1 in New Bedford, said Rosado is survived by a 1-year-old son, who will never know his mother.

"Innocent people are being taken away from their families and friends," Rozanski said.

Although raising a small child, she said Rosado graduated this year from New Bedford High School and was hopeful of attending Bristol Community College to study criminal justice and psychology.

"She said what she wanted to do and did it, regardless of what people told her," Rozanski said.

Fighting back tears, Fernanda Gonzalez, whose son, Alberto "Tito" Gonzalez, killed in a 2003 drive-by shooting in New Bedford, also spoke against the violence.

"It never goes away," she said of the sorrow she feels.

Fall River Bishop George W. Coleman, Mayor Scott W. Lang, Police Chief Ronald E. Teachman and Paul Machado, an assistant district attorney in District Attorney C. Samuel Sutter's office, all lent their voices to the fight for peace.

"Violence can never be the answer," Coleman said. "If we are all brothers and sisters, murder and hatred are never the answer.

"Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God," he said, quoting Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount.

Lang said the problem of illegal handguns and gun violence in New Bedford is part of a national epidemic and public officials need the tools to rid the streets of illegal guns.

The mayor called for the passage of amendments to the state's so-called "dangerousness provision," whereby defendants who are charged with gun crimes can be held without bail.

Lang urged people to preach non-violence in their homes; cooperate with police; and support amendments to the dangerousness legislation, which are pending in the State House.

Machado said gun violence is the top priority of Sutter's administration, explaining 30,000 were killed and 70,000 more were wounded last year in the U.S. from gun violence.

He added that every day, nine people under the age of 19 are killed and 48 are injured from gun violence.

Teachman said the courts, police and parents are all singled out for blame by the public, but the truth is that everyone can play a part in correcting the problem.

The chief said each person must get involved for New Bedford to become a peaceful city.

"We all must care about the child next door or the people across the street," he said. "There will never be enough police officers if you close your eyes."
If people really think that violence is never the answer, it's because they're being very careful to avoid asking some important questions.

What the article doesn't tell you is that those numbers, as sad as they are, represent less than .5 percent of deaths for people in that age bracket.

I'm sure the number mentioned in the article also includes suicides which the left always loves to use to include into the "gun violence" soap boxing to try to make their case
Yes, lets force the gang bangers and the drug dealers to hold hands and sing kumbaya, and then use the power of prayer to compell them to be peaceful---that sounds like a plan. A better plan would be to just deport everybody to Easter Island, rather than sending them to jail.
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