Another anti-gun "opinion" in the Globe


NES Member
Feb 13, 2009
Made it to NH!
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Saw an Opinion in the Globe today that pissed me off to no end. These guys really think that people suck this crap up.

RESIDENT OBAMA really must say something about guns now, less he fecklessly watch the National Rifle Association take over his beloved Chicago. The NRA is appealing to the Supreme Court after a federal appeals court in Chicago last week upheld a handgun ban in Chicago and the nearby suburb of Oak Park.

So I sent this asshat this:

I read your "opinion" in the globe today about the NRA and Chicago, etc. How can anyone still believe that gun control will stop gun violence? Look at this states numbers, it has gone up and up even more since MORE anti gun laws were passed.

Can you name ONE person in Chicago that was shot with a LEAGLLY owned firearm? Do you really think that criminals obey gun laws? Any laws at all? The only people these laws are restricting are the law abiding gun owner who only wants to exercise hi/her 2nd amendment right and those like myself, that enjoy hunting and target practice.

How about in this state that has pretty much the toughest gun laws on the books? How many have been shot so far this year alone? How many with legally obtained, licenced as required by the state, guns? How about ZERO.

Taking my gun away will NOT prevent the next shooting!

Maybe Mr. Obama knows this, maybe you should too.

Thank you.

Andrew Quinzani

I know it won't do any good but at least I feel better, how about you guys bombing this guy with e-mails?
This is why old media outlets are folding left and right. They can't present the truth and most people have figured that out. Me, I vote with my wallet and the Globe hasn't got a dime out of me in nearly 30 years. Someday soon, they will fold like a wet noodle.
Derrick Jackson is a one note band. He's good for one anti gun column a month and has been at it for over 20 years. I met him at a charity event and offered to give him a firearms safety class. He declined, his mind is made up. Enjoy your 25% pay cut Derrick!
Derrick Jackson is a one note band. He's good for one anti gun column a month and has been at it for over 20 years. I met him at a charity event and offered to give him a firearms safety class. He declined, his mind is made up. Enjoy your 25% pay cut Derrick!

that is silly. if someone offered me free training on anything i'd take it. cram as much knowledge between your ears as you can!

then again i'm not some douche-nozzle like the "author". [laugh]
that is silly. if someone offered me free training on anything i'd take it. cram as much knowledge between your ears as you can!
Yeah, well, it's pretty clear the author either has no desire to explore any new information, or he has his brain full of all that will fit. [insert RR quote here]
I was crusing the DU the other day and saw a post that pretty much sums up guy's like his beliefs. I wish I quoted it directly but paraphrasing it went along the lines of 'All true civilized beings want an end to violence & civilized societies eschew violence & create laws and policies to eliminate violence. Guns are a symbol of the failure of this policy by their very existance because of their potential for violence and therefore need to be stamped out where ever they're found'

Again, that 'quote' isn't exact but I think I've captured the spirit of the author, the twisted logic and the flawed premis. We're going to have to put up with this kind of fuzzy, wishful thinking etc. This is that whole 'I see the world as I'd like it to be and say 'why not'' crap. We prefer to live in the real world, they prefer to live in their fantasy. Guys like him are not going to be convinced, we should focus our efforts on the majority that can swing either way.
Imagine anyone saying they'd rather loose their jobs than cut back on company expenses.

They deserve what they get.

My neighbor works for the Globe and is of that mindset. "why should we take the paycut" the "company should cut their expenses!?" WTF? So I said, well what happens if they close up? His reply... get ready for it........
"well then the government will get us a bailout, we won't shut down"

My neighbor works for the Globe and is of that mindset. "why should we take the paycut" the "company should cut their expenses!?" WTF? So I said, well what happens if they close up? His reply... get ready for it........
"well then the government will get us a bailout, we won't shut down"


[rofl][rofl][rofl] Dude, your salary IS one of the expenses. God I hate people that don't get it. You figure that their real-estate cost is fixed as is the machinery and maintenence fees and raw material (ink, paper etc). So what's the next biggest expense??? Really the only one they have direct control over? Salary.

Yah. Stay firm on those salary demands. It's wicked easy to get a new job right now. [rolleyes]
From the "article"-
Meanwhile, the children in Chicago keep getting mowed down, with three dozen school-age children killed so far this year.

That is good propaganda right there! Not very original, but still very effective! Do you think the reaction might be a little different if the sentence was reworded to be fact based? It might read-

Meanwhile, gang violence in Chicago, due to the drug trade and related turf wars, has resulted in the murders of 36 young gang members so far this year. Many of these gang members were between 15 and 18 years of age.

Truthful, but not quite the same emotional impact on the casual reader.
What does the "Z" stand for? (someone will get this)

Zane - according to this:

He was really a pleasant person, but I swear that after 20 years of reading him I could write his column from the headline. He use to mail out a letter every year to the people who sent him letters, but that was back in pre-email days.
Zane - according to this:

He was really a pleasant person, but I swear that after 20 years of reading him I could write his column from the headline. He use to mail out a letter every year to the people who sent him letters, but that was back in pre-email days.

True, Rep308,

but I was thinking back to jay severin on 96.9 when he said the "Z" meant
Jackson is married to local physician and health researcher, Dr. Michelle Holmes; they have two sons. He has served as Scoutmaster and advisor for Boyscout Troop/Crew 56 Cambridge out of the Grace United Methodist Church.

Is he in charge of the marksmanship merit badge program? [wink]
These guys can't go out of business quick enough.

This is exactly why they're going out of business.

Peddling this crap as "fit to print" is why they're in dire straights. They're incessant and persistent liars. There was a time when the press reported the facts and the truth; now they're just a mouthpiece for statist thugs like this assclown.

This rag can't close it's doors fast enough.
Is he in charge of the marksmanship merit badge program? [wink]

Exactly my thinking. I recall my nephews telling me that they fired .22 rifles at Boy Scout camp less than 3 years ago and they do it every year. This genious must boycott this part of camp and go play in the woods with the rest of the liberals and eat granola until they don't hear GUNSHOTS anymore
Looks like the rag will continue

Trust me! The Globe has an estimated value I heard of 200MM and loses 80MM a year. They wanted concessions of 20MM and didn't get them. They will die a slow and painfull death in less than 16 months.[rofl]
Oddly enough, yesterday's Globe that contained Jackson's column also contained an article that stated that non-fatal shootings were up 48% in Boston this year from the same time last year.

But thank god for Mass's strict gun control. [wink]
Oddly enough, yesterday's Globe that contained Jackson's column also contained an article that stated that non-fatal shootings were up 48% in Boston this year from the same time last year.

But thank god for Mass's strict gun control. [wink]

You would think that somebody with a modicum of intelligence would be able to connect the dots. I guess they don't hire these type of folks at the Boston Globe.
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