And we think we have it tough

Hmm, the guy tried to bring a gun across an international border with out declaring it. That is pretty hard to justify.

A guy from NH hopping over the border to fill up his gas tank with a rifle in his gun rack is one thing, but assuming the laws of another country are the same as your home country is much more of a stretch. Common sense seems to have been lost here.

When Clancy and her photographer, Brian Doerflinger, crossed the border into Canada to work on this story, they looked for any signs warning Americans not to bring weapons. There are signs that tell you to keep right, watch for pedestrians and bicycles, and to “ThinkMetric.” But the only one warning against handguns is right under the Canadian border guard’s window, much too late to turn around.

You know what? Lie with customs ANYWHERE, you need to know the rules of where you are going and what you can and cannot do. In all honesty, this guy doesn't deserve a break IMHO. If he gets a break, he should still be punished for being a DUMB@SS.
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