An NRA member for Obama

".....McCain have done diddly for gun-rights" is just plain wrong.

Let's not forget what the Republican leadership and McCain have accomplished -

Reversing the AW Ban and preventing a new one

FAIL. The original included a sunset provision, and therefore expired in 2004 because that's the way it was written. Let's not give credit where it doesn't belong.

Gun confiscation during emergencies,

Legit question on this one: Would that be in reference to the Katrina policy, which just recently got settled while the dems are running things...?

gun bans in National Parks

Sorry boss. It is still illegal to not only CC but to have any loaded gun in a national park... a policy that Reagan put into effect in 1983.

ATF abuses

Those will ALWAYS exist. We're talking the government here. Neither party wants to give gun owners free reign. Don't kid yourself. They'll always be busting balls to keep the serfs in check.

the DC Gun Ban

And McCain had part of that how? Saying he voted to confirm the justices that made the decision is stretching his part in it juuuuuust a bit.

SC Justices Stevens and Ginsburg will need to be replaced soon. What kind of judges do you think the Democrats will put in, given the chance?

Hopefully ones that keep a balanced SC. The thought of an ultra liberal dingbat court scares me as equally as the thought of an firebrand ultra conservative one. Just because one will take your rights through lawmaking while smiling and nodding doesn't make them any worse than the ones that will take them at the end of a rifle before locking you up and denying you habeas corpus. If you think you're exempt from such things because you're a born n' bred citizen, you clearly haven't been paying attention.

McCain voted for the nomination of consistent conservatives Roberts and Alito and uses them as models for future nominations. Obama opposed Roberts and Alito and has mentioned consistent liberals Ginsburg, Souter and Breyer as models for his future picks.

See previous note. NONE of them put a smile on my face. In a perfect world, the court would be stocked by people who think with their heads and their law knowledge, not with their personal and political affections.

Given the choices, our best hope for the RKBA is electing McCain/Palin and as many Republican legislators as possible.

Too bad that's not the only issue on the table, as important as it is.

Here's what McCain's official campaign website says:

Spare us. We're all adults who can read and obviously know how to navigate the web. We don't need to be sold considering like I've said before, in the case of most folks on this forum you're trying to sell water to a fish. I just don't like half truths of any kind being thrown out there like facts as if we're sheep that need herding. McCain may be in the better interest of gun owners, but as far as I'm concerned that's 90% of everything positive he brings to the table.

I just wish there was a third option who understood that life isn't always right or left.
McCain has Palin to whip his butt in line.... and she'll probably be president before we know it.
you're the one with the cliches.

Are you 8 years old? My god man, now you're just acting like a child who, having run out of any relevant points is reduced to pouting and saying "I know you are but what am I."

I'm pretty sure that you don't actually even know what a cliche is because the text that I've put down tonight is completely devoid of cliche. Please by all means show me my cliche.

I guess you're just going to accept hopelessness,

You truly don't understand a word I've written tonight do you? It's not about hopelessness or hopefulness. It's about rational thought, quantitative analysis and historical precedent. My entire premise was simply that one should feel free to vote a third party in this state because it doesn't "Take away" a vote from McCain in any meaningful context. I see it was lost on you.

enjoy it.
It's not about enjoying anything...

I can't and won't.

I can see that. Ok, I'm going to leave you alone now because I'm starting to feel sorry for you. You brought a bat to a gun fight and now I feel like I'm picking on a special needs student or something.
Are you 8 years old? My god man, now you're just acting like a child who, having run out of any relevant points is reduced to pouting and saying "I know you are but what am I."

I'm pretty sure that you don't actually even know what a cliche is because the text that I've put down tonight is completely devoid of cliche. Please by all means show me my cliche.

You truly don't understand a word I've written tonight do you? It's not about hopelessness or hopefulness. It's about rational thought, quantitative analysis and historical precedent. My entire premise was simply that one should feel free to vote a third party in this state because it doesn't "Take away" a vote from McCain in any meaningful context. I see it was lost on you.

It's not about enjoying anything...

I can see that. Ok, I'm going to leave you alone now because I'm starting to feel sorry for you. You brought a bat to a gun fight and now I feel like I'm picking on a special needs student or something.

I could continue, but the effort is not worth any more of my time. By the way, I undersand what a cliche is; check your original spelling of cliche or maybe you did mean "clinche". <eom>
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I could continue, but the effort is not worth any more of my time. By the way undersand what a cliche is; check your original spelling of cliche or maybe you did mean ", clinche". <eom>

Wow, is that all you can do? Find a spelling error?


Did you mean understand or undersand

Might I point out something here? It's not just Obama vs. McCain folks. Think President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Leader Reid. Can you take it from there with out having your hand held?

<sniff> 'nuff said.
Just to state the obvious, there is a world of difference between voting for a third part and voting for Obama (as the guy that sent in the editorial was advocating). Unless you live in Maine, where I think they split electoral votes?
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