Ammo/Powder/Primer - Storage in Freezer?


NES Member
Jun 5, 2007
NW of Boston
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I've got a standup freezer in my basement that does not work. It's the size of a standard refridgerator with a single door and about 5 shelves inside. It's got a lock on the front of it and I just found the key over the weekend while I was setting up my reloading bench.

When locked, I can pull on the door handle and see that ANY sort of pressure building up inside would be able to vent. I'd love to drill a hole in the back so I can run a small 12" dehumidifier in there.

My questions are:
Can I store factory ammo along with reloaded ammo AND unused primers and powder in the same location.. inside of this locked freezer?
I live in Massachusetts. If the fire chief were to find out I was doing this, would he be concerned?
How many 2 inch holes can I drill in the back of the freezer (for venting) before the dehumidifier becomes in-effective?

Thanks in advance!
Wrt creating a "bomb" by excessive pressure, I would simply ask my fire chief (mine is a good guy and always tries to be helpful).

Sorry but I don't know the answers to your questions, but you might find that fire chiefs are nothing like our typical police chiefs.
I am good to go

I emailed the Chief who sent a quick reply asking me to phone the "Fire Prevention" office. I called them and talked to a Captain who said he would check a few things and call me back. Not even half an hour later I got the call and am OK to proceed with my plan. He wanted to double check with me that I am not in a multi-family residence, which I am not. I can store 16lbs of powder and 1000 primers without a permit. If I want a permit to store more, he said there would not be a hassle.

He is making a copy of the rules and sending them to me at the house. He thanked me for being concerned about proper storage.
Good news!

See I told you that the FD is "customer oriented", unlike many PDs. [wink]
Put a small light bulb in it, and run it full time. The heat from the bulb should keep the contents dry. It works for welding rod, which is much more mositure sensitive than powder and primers.

Do NOT use too big of a bulb. Dry and warm, not HOT!
waterbed heater

waterbed heater for safe elctectic comfort

Comes with a thermostat and is 19.95 at Wal mart

Its rubber coated. No chance of sparks.

Almost intrisicaly safe?

Be sure you run a ground wire from the freezer to an electrical outlet bond to prevent static.

I have a shit load (Thats Sailor talk) of desiccant air dryer cartridges left over form a job. Will trade for cool stuff.
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