"Americans Buying Guns in Preparation for Civil Unrest"

My family calls my grandfather paranoid for keeping food, water, and guns. He's 85, lived through the great depression, two world wars, etc etc.

I think your family should respect the knowledge of and follow the example of their elder, it might just save their hides.
I think you kind of started on the wrong end of the preparedness list.[wink]

Don't hesitate too long to get yourself supplied, commodity prices are rising sharply.

I figured at least with my guns the philosophy "In the land of the sheep, the man with the guns is king" would hold true. I've been a water hoarder all my life, so there's no issue there. Food and silver, not so much. There's always at least a months worth of canned food in my house, but that's about it...damn it I need a checklist, lol.
Here is a good site that I have made a few orders from. The prices are good and shipping is free in most cases. http://beprepared.com/default.asp?S...d=CPjzobmT4qQCFUmA5QodfH5gLQ&bhcd2=1287601675

The Mountain House #10 cans of freeze dried / dehydrated food supposedly last 20-25 years and I have eaten them and can tell you they taste pretty darn good. They are also great for camping, hunting, hiking whatever as they weigh next to nothing in the dry state. I put some in a ziplock bag and throw it in my pack when I go.

Another thing you can do which is very easy and pretty cheap is to get 5 gallon buckets and some mylar bags and o2 absorbers. Buy a bunch of pasta, rice, dry beans, whatever and store them that way. Again, under good contitions you should get at least 10-15 years storing them this way. If you put away a years supply for your family, most of the "zombies" will have startved or killed each other by the time you run out.
Why is this news? Americans have been buying guns in preparation for civil unrest for 234 years. Before that, the people living in the land that would one day be called America were buying guns for the same reason.

With that said, the US has been in a period of civil unrest for years. ITS CALLED CRIME!!!!
Home invasions, rapes, muggings, bank robbery, its all civil unrest. Prepare now! Oh wait thats right its too late. Thats already been happening.


Infowars quotes need to be banned from NES like cat threads.

Ah yes, as usual, the anti-Alex Jones crew makes its presence known. Of course, you conviently leave out the fact that most if not all news sites are a load of crap anyway.

Why is this news? Americans have been buying guns in preparation for civil unrest for 234 years. Before that, the people living in the land that would one day be called America were buying guns for the same reason.

Perhaps more so today?
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