Am I able to get a pistol permit?

I can't remember if it was Federal or CT law that basically said, if you are convicted of something that then is decriminalized, your rights can't be abridged because of that conviction.

If you know of any such law, please post the info...

CT statutes allow erasure of criminal records for decriminalized offenses...

Sec. 54-142d. Destruction of record of decriminalized offense said:
Whenever any person has been convicted of an offense in any court in this state and such offense has been decriminalized subsequent to the date of such conviction, such person may file a petition ... for an order of erasure, and the Superior Court or records center of the Judicial Department shall direct all police and court records and records of the state's or prosecuting attorney pertaining to such case to be physically destroyed.
A call to the court may determine that they will copy them and mail them to him, avoiding the need for a trip.

At any rate, I'd call first. Some courts archive old records or microfilm them and thus they may not be available the same day you ask for them, so long distance travel w/o a call first could lead to undue frustration.

Thanks for the info!
Kevlar - thanks for the clarification. I knew I saw it somewhere.

Asmith995 - lets get our terms straight. There is no such thing as a CCW permit in CT. Its a pistol permit. CT is an open carry state.
Don't trust me, but you should be ok. You were able to get a long gun, so you passed that background check.
While I was waiting for my permit, I bought a shot gun. I waited the 2 weeks and when I went to pick it up, I was denied. It turns out I had an old warrant for a traffic violation from 20 years ago when living in MA.
Called Chelsea, paid a small fine and everything was cool.
I to had an some troubles back about 12 years ago and. used my AR.( get out of pop card) and completed it. Do I need to put it down on app?
Sorry won't use phone to reply to thread anymore,Ok about 12 years ago i got arrested and use the A.R. (Accelerated Rehabilitation),and i completed the term,I Had and backgound check done and nothing showed up.So should i put it down on my pisol permit appilcation. O and I am in CT.
Sorry won't use phone to reply to thread anymore,Ok about 12 years ago i got arrested and use the A.R. (Accelerated Rehabilitation),and i completed the term,I Had and backgound check done and nothing showed up.So should i put it down on my pisol permit appilcation. O and I am in CT.

Roscho - you'll find that most of us have little tolerance for kids using IM-Speak on this forum. But if english is not your first language, then its an entirely different thing. Welcome to the U.S.A.

With that said. In CT you are given a nolle when the AR begins and then if it is completed and you stay clean for a term (I believe 6 months to a year) the charges are dismissed.

As such, you have not been convicted of anything. **The following I'm not 100% sure of*** If you were a juvenile, your record may have been sealed so you can actually answer "NO" to a question about if you have ever been arrested.

I was 34 when this happened,I called the court today and gave them my info, and they looked it up and said it was sealed and i would have to go down to the court and show my id. and they would give me a printout,so i went down and got the printout, and in a nut shell it said THIS CASE WAS DISPOSED as OF on 11/29/2000 DISMISSAL AFTER ACCELERATED REHABILITATION. So should i say yes or no just not sure. sorry for the miss spelling
You can say NO.

If you look at the pistol permit form:

It says that you

: You are not required to disclose the existence of any arrest, criminal charge or conviction, the records of which
have been erased pursuant to C.G.S. 46b-146, 54-76o, or 54-142a. If your criminal records have been erased pursuant
to one of these statutes, you may swear under oath that you have never been arrested. Criminal records that may be
erased are records pertaining to a finding of delinquency or that a child was a member of a family with service needs
(C.G.S. 46b-146), an adjudication as a youthful offender (C.G.S. 54-76o), a criminal charge that has been dismissed or

You are good to go.
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