AK - Fish & Game "Mistakenly" Shoots Wolves Under Study By NPS

Jul 30, 2009
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The Department of Fish and Game is being criticized over shooting wolves from the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve near the community of Eagle.


Two of the wolves killed were collared by the National Park Service and part of a 16-year-long scientific study.


"The Park Service provided them with the radio frequencies on the collars so they would know exactly which wolves were collared by the Park Service, and even with those considerations, this particular employee, when he saw these wolves, he shot them anyway, and it's our understanding that he saw that they were collared and still shot them," Stratton said.

Full article HERE.
Sorry I must have missed the part in the article about the wolves in a preserve attacking joggers. Care to elaborate or just continue to make unfounded comments?
Sorry I must have missed the part in the article about the wolves in a preserve attacking joggers. Care to elaborate or just continue to make unfounded comments?

Call it a "Pre-emptive strike" then. Its all part of a wolf control program.

At least in this "Program" they don't issue EBT cards & cell phones...

Whispers: (If only they'd do the same for the illegals)
Call it a "Pre-emptive strike" then. Its all part of a wolf control program.

At least in this "Program" they don't issue EBT cards & cell phones...

Whispers: (If only they'd do the same for the illegals)

Lets pre-emptively kill all the bears too. They're responsible for far more deaths than wolves. I'm so happy I'm not terrified of wildlife.
Some of you morons are acting like the lunatics who want to kill off the sharks to prevent shark attacks. Guess what? That is their habitat. You want to go jogging in wolf territory? Fine. But bring a sidearm so you can kill one if he attacks you. Otherwise, let them be.

If you live in Alaska, there is no reason why you cannot be responsible for your own life and bear the tools needed to do so. This is not MA.
That's one way to win friends and influence people.

Sure, it was rude. I apologize. But don't fall under the impression that I have any interest in winning friends. I don't have any friends, and I am content. But people are acting like morons if they think they should go cut down some animals so that it is safe for you to enter their territory.

If you want to prevent a coyote species, or some other harmful species, from harming your property or neighborhood, that is one thing that I am fine with. But if you're the type of lunatic who wants to go and kill off some wolves, and they're not otherwise causing a problem, so you can go jogging in the back country, you're pretty screwed up.
Kinda like saying "Don't arrest that criminal, he's wearing a GPS anklet.". [thinking]


Got ANY evidence of the wolves in question attacking anyone?

Attacking any cattle?

Even leaving the park?

Or is this the cretinous equation of an animal behaving normally in its natural environment with convicted criminals it appears to be?
...But people are acting like morons if they think they should go cut down some animals so that it is safe for you to enter their territory.

...But if you're the type of lunatic who wants to go and kill off some wolves, and they're not otherwise causing a problem, so you can go jogging in the back country, you're pretty screwed up.

Kind of like shooting a recently-disarmed assailant in the head while they are laying on the ground, face-down, eh JackD?
Sure, it was rude. I apologize. But don't fall under the impression that I have any interest in winning friends. I don't have any friends,
No kidding. [thinking]

But people are acting like morons if they think they should go cut down some animals so that it is safe for you to enter their territory.

If you want to prevent a coyote species, or some other harmful species, from harming your property or neighborhood, that is one thing that I am fine with. But if you're the type of lunatic who wants to go and kill off some wolves, and they're not otherwise causing a problem, so you can go jogging in the back country, you're pretty screwed up.
The funny thing is that you are making all sorts of assumptions about what I think, none of which are correct, nor are they supported by anything I've written in this thread.
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Kind of like shooting a recently-disarmed assailant in the head while they are laying on the ground, face-down, eh JackD?

Actually, it is nothing like that. See, wolves don't point a gun at you and demand you turn over your posessions or they kill you while you are at work earning money that will be forcibly taken from you by the government and given to them in the long run anyhow. So, no. It is nothing like that. I'd rather the bullet go to the thug and let the wolf population be.

But that is twice that you've said the dumbest thing I've heard all day. One more and you might win a prize.
Actually, it is nothing like that. See, wolves don't point a gun at you and demand you turn over your posessions or they kill you while you are at work earning money that will be forcibly taken from you by the government and given to them in the long run anyhow. So, no. It is nothing like that. I'd rather the bullet go to the thug and let the wolf population be.

Certainly the fairer course of action.
No kidding. [thinking]

The funny thing is that you are making all sorts of assumptions about what I think, none of which are correct, nor are they supported by anything I've written in this thread.

No, I'm not making assumptions. I was using the term "you" in the general sense. My comments have nothing to do with what you said and weren't directed at you. The "you" that I was referring applies to anyone who fits the criteria that I stated in my post. If you don't fit it, then of course I am not speaking about you directly.

John says to Pete "how can you justify stealing my money and giving it to people who don't work because they've got too many kids to go to work, when really, if they worked more than screwed, maybe they'd be able to pay for the ones that they do have. Now I can afford to have kids, because I'm paying for yours!"

John isn't referring to Pete in the "you" and "yours". He is referring to the government, and the people who fit the criteria of which he described.

Did that whole analogy clear things up?
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If you want to prevent a coyote species, or some other harmful species, from harming your property or neighborhood, that is one thing that I am fine with. But if you're the type of lunatic who wants to go and kill off some wolves, and they're not otherwise causing a problem, so you can go jogging in the back country, you're pretty screwed up.

+1, with the stipulation of population control and game hunting.
what joggers got bit, i have yet to find anything about wolves being shot because someone was bit? everything has been about overpopulation and hope to raise moose and caribuo herds?

did i miss something? ... it looks like two wolves got shot had collers and the antis are trying to raise a deal about it because they have no better way to stop the fish and game from doing "THERE JOB"
Some of you morons are acting like the lunatics who want to kill off the sharks to prevent shark attacks. Guess what? That is their habitat. You want to go jogging in wolf territory? Fine. But bring a sidearm so you can kill one if he attacks you. Otherwise, let them be.

If you live in Alaska, there is no reason why you cannot be responsible for your own life and bear the tools needed to do so. This is not MA.

did i miss something? ... it looks like two wolves got shot had collers [sic] and the antis are trying to raise a deal about it because they have no better way to stop the fish and game from doing "THERE [sic]JOB"

I'll bite - how is knowingly shooting wolves which are:

1. NOT attacking humans, domestic animals or even wild animals; AND

2. KNOWN to be part of a Federal tracking program

an intelligent action by a DFW employee?
what joggers got bit, i have yet to find anything about wolves being shot because someone was bit? everything has been about overpopulation and hope to raise moose and caribuo herds?

did i miss something? ... it looks like two wolves got shot had collers and the antis are trying to raise a deal about it because they have no better way to stop the fish and game from doing "THERE JOB"


Not that this has anything to do with the topic of the thread here. Just posted for info.
No, I'm not making assumptions. I was using the term "you" in the general sense. My comments have nothing to do with what you said and weren't directed at you. The "you" that I was referring applies to anyone who fits the criteria that I stated in my post. If you don't fit it, then of course I am not speaking about you directly
You are quoting me in a post, and then claiming that "you" in the response doesn't refer to me?

What was it that Clinton said? That depends upon what the definition of what is is...
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