Adventures in canning V: Dry Goods

Good job! what's next to the rice in the jars, orange-redish in color?
I got one of those vacuum thingis as a wedding gift 5-7 years ago. haven't even took it out of the box. maybe i will now.

I like the last picture too

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Would putting an O2 absorber in the jar be worthwhile or overkill?

IMHO, if you're going with the concept of "Do not use unless SHTF", "Zombies !" or "TEOTWAWKI" then yes.

However, if you believe in rotating your preps, then I wouldn't bother with it.
I have a question about your process. When we've canned, we use the pressure cooker and process the contents at boiling-water temps to sterilize the contents and also seal the contents as they cool. How you do accomplish that with just using the vacuum tool? Did you already heat up the contents? If not, are you saying that we can just clean our jars, stick our food into it and then vacuum the air out to keep them unrefrigerated?

Curious minds need to know!

This is canning for dry goods only. (uncooked rice, macaroni, potato flakes, ect...)

There is waterbath canning, and then there is pressure canning.
Each is different and have been covered in seperate threads.
Not trying to be brusque, just concise.

One could use mason jars for short term food storage in much the same way as using the plastic Food Saver vacuum seal canisters but I'd do it only for left overs to be eaten in the next couple of days.
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