A taste of Mass for NH

NH cops have 17 days to look for a lost mag because we have such a low crime rate......due to every one being armed, and not expecting the gubbermint to do our thinking for us. At least they weren't sitting around the station getting fat or getting paid six-figure salaries to be flagmen on construction sites.

When you point a finger at someone, you have 3 others pointing back at you. That's a quote from a fifth grader. Still, your state, not MA.
When you point a finger at someone, you have 3 others pointing back at you. That's a quote from a fifth grader. Still, your state, not MA.

I don't get it. Are you referring to me, or the original poster? Cause if you're referring to me, that doesn't make sense at all.
I don't get it. Are you referring to me, or the original poster? Cause if you're referring to me, that doesn't make sense at all.

Well both actually. This is a NH laughable, but MA gets drawn into it. You jump in with this and that but it is still a NH duh. Get it.
Well both actually. This is a NH laughable, but MA gets drawn into it. You jump in with this and that but it is still a NH duh. Get it.

The laughable part is that it is newsworthy, and worthy of a thread here saying that NH is becoming MA. So what three fingers are pointing back at me?

Neener neener neener. That's a quote from a third grader.
The laughable part is that it is newsworthy, and worthy of a thread here saying that NH is becoming MA. So what three fingers are pointing back at me?

Neener neener neener. That's a quote from a third grader.

I'll probably get a ban hammer on this but your a moron.
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I'll probably get a ban hammer on this but your a moron.

Not if I have any say in it. Which I don't. But I'd vote for you not to get banned, but to get a clue, and learn how to pick your battles. There are better things to get banned over, and I have far better stuff in my repetoire to get called a f***ing moron for. Try using the search button. You'll find plenty.
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Not if I have any say in it. Which I don't. But I'd vote for you not to get banned, but to get a clue, and learn how to pick your battles. There are better things to get banned over, and I have far better stuff in my repetoire to get called a f***ing moron for. Try using the search button. You'll find plenty.

I did pick one dummy. Your a moron.
NH would have a serious financial headache if Maine, Massachusetts, and Vermont repealed their sales taxes.
Whatever headaches NH needs to worry about, I'm absolutely sure this does not need to be on the list. Note even from one of those states.

Remember what MA just did a few months ago? In the face of the worst recession in decades, it increased by 25% the sales tax.
As much as it sucks to pay high property taxes, I'd much rather pay them knowing it went to the town (with most going to the school in said town), than paying all kinds of other taxes and have it go to Concord to be wasted there.
Yes, unfortunate that NH is ranked last in fiscal efficiency by the Pew Center on the states. Beore you claim that's because they don't spend much per capita, Utah spends little more and is ranked one of the best.

All kinds of old-boy deals made, with your money. I've had some experience with it doing business in NH, and if you knew some of the examples, it would make you sick. Every time I hear the NH cheerleaders, I LOL.
All of you bickering on the wastefull nature of them searching for the magazine apparently never read the article.

Following a four-hour standoff by 33 Seacoast Emergency Response Team officers to the same neighborhood nine months ago, an unspent round of tear gas was found by a resident.

Former Deputy Chief Len DiSesa said several rounds of tear gas failed to launch during the standoff at Gosling Meadows and one of them was found by a resident of the public housing complex the following morning.
DiSesa said the SWAT team was warned to be “extra diligent” about cleaning up after future incidents.

Reading the comments of the former Deputy Chief, it reads like they took some heat for the resident finding. Add in that they have to report lost ammunition, file a report on it and publish it in the police log, chances were probably better to look for it rather than that the penalties.

But yeah:
Loosing that magazine by that officer is what we used to call in the Army a "Non career enhancing event."
I think you nailed it, if we can read between the lines.

The article was well written and refreshing.
If only we wasted more money, we could potentially achieve efficiency ratings as high as, say, California.
Efficient spending is different from just spending. NH doesn't spend much, and spends what little it does poorly, and accounts for it to their citizens poorly.

I've sent the MA reports to my Legislators, you might consider doing the same.
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I don't disagree. But for me, it's about the total dollars. I don't want more services or better services from the state -- I want fewer dollars spent, period. That they can't spend it efficiently is only an indication that they're spending too much already.
I don't disagree. But for me, it's about the total dollars. I don't want more services or better services from the state -- I want fewer dollars spent, period. That they can't spend it efficiently is only an indication that they're spending too much already.
Wild guess - you don't have kids in public schools? [wink]
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