A question just came to mind...


NES Member
Dec 9, 2008
Somewhere in the woods, NH
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I am a frequent business traveller and I have my NH resident concealed carry permit. I know my permit is valid in several of the states I travel to, and I would like to take advantage of that at times. I know the process for checking the firearm with the airline, but first I have to get it to the airport. One big hiccup just came to mind with MA's absurd gun laws. I do not have a MA FID card or carry permit. Let's say, hypothetically, I am carrying a handgun to Logan Airport, unloaded and locked in a hard sided case with the ammo properly stored in my luggage as per TSA regs.

Am I legal in doing this or am I breaking the law by transporting a firearm in MA without a permit? I don't know the laws down there at all so this got me to wondering.

Can I get in trouble for transporting the firearm in MA?
Why not travel out of Manchester?

I've sworn off Logan for ALL air travel as of 9/11/2001. I've also sworn off stepping foot on that property since then too. The lack of "real" security and the stupidity there is just too much for me to deal with.
My understanding is that if you don't have a MA permit or some sort (resident or non-resident), you can't have a gun in this state. So if you fly out of Logan, and you want to bring your gun with you to Logan in your luggage, you need a non-resident permit. IANAL and I very well be wrong on this. If I'm right though, you should get your non-resident LTC if you'll be flying out of Logan.

If you're just changing planes in Logan and you won't be in possession of your bag during that time, then you're fine as far as I know.
I do fly out of Manchester 90% of the time. I use Logan for mainly international and sometimes for my Florida (FLL) flights as it's a non stop and I can usually get a business class upgrade. Chances are I'll never try it but I was just curious about this.

FOPA was my thought too, I would guess it would cover me but I'm not sure.
I have relied on FOPA for flights out of RI to FL. Not the same....I know[wink].
I would probably try and get something in writing and carry it with me if I was relying on FOPA in MA, or get a Non-res LTC.
I queried the AG in RI to clarify FOPA with a twist (stopping to eat in RI after getting off the plane on the way home) and never got a response to my question (although RI BCI did respond . . . just never answered the question that I asked).

Nobody in MA will give you a written response that holds any water. Hell, Ron Glidden/GCAB requested an opinion on something (this was years ago) and made the "mistake" of writing Glidden back with a response. When I asked for a copy there was much teeth gnashing and finally EOPS Legal gave me a copy (grudgingly after they determined that it was "public domain" since they had written back to another gov't body). It was like pulling teeth to get a 1-2 year old letter out of them.
I hate Logan and love MHT for all the above reasons. However I love JetBlue enough to endure the wretched scum that is Logan.

I've never had any noteworthy problems flying with firearms, but then again, I am flying out of and to places that honor my existing Licenses.
I believe you need a permit to be in possesion. The permit is issued by the state police and a recent check showed that it was $100.00 for 1 year. What a bargain.
Well, although FOPA could arguably cover you, I think there is a decent chance of getting hassled, and possibly picking up a charge for not having an ltc. Even if you beat the charge, your going to be out some serious $$ for attorney.

IMHO I wouldnt risk it.
My understanding is that if you don't have a MA permit or some sort (resident or non-resident), you can't have a gun in this state. So if you fly out of Logan, and you want to bring your gun with you to Logan in your luggage, you need a non-resident permit. IANAL and I very well be wrong on this. If I'm right though, you should get your non-resident LTC if you'll be flying out of Logan.

If you're just changing planes in Logan and you won't be in possession of your bag during that time, then you're fine as far as I know.

I believe under FOPA, because it is considred part of his trip, and he can possess the firearm in his destination and where he began his travels, that he would be ok. Of course, dont trust any MA authority to actually understand this......
That was my thinking too, that FOPA would cover me. However, I also assume that in the hypothetical traffic stop I'd have an officer who is not aware of this and decides to bust on a NH boy with a hi-cap handgun and no MA license. I wouldn't risk it, but it would be an interesting case.
I believe FOPA would cover you, as long as you are legal to posess at your destination.

The text of 926A clearly only intends to cover you while transporting in a private vehicle. Although former US AG Gonzales stated it does cover you for air travel, and for the brief periods that you are changing modes of travel, I wouldn't want to be in the middle of the sh*t storm if the cops at Logan decided otherwise.
I have travelled out of Logan with firearms numerous times, going to out-of- state competitions. It has never been a serious hassle other than TSA secreting me off to a back room and taking everything out of the suitcase that I have my trigger locked, locked in a box, firearms. Interesting though, I have never ONCE been asked to produce my Mass LTC. In Tennesse, the agent at the counter has you open your gun case, at the counter!!!!, glances at it, says "nice gun", closes it up and sends your luggage on it's way. Same in Arizona and Louisiana.

That being said - I still wouldn't try it without a Mass license. And I make sure I don't go through New York!

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