When did the original essay come out? The post was today but it seems like it was written a while back. Anyone know? I've already forwarded it to about a dozen people...
When did the original essay come out? The post was today but it seems like it was written a while back. Anyone know? I've already forwarded it to about a dozen people...

The original work has been around for a while....like a couple or few years. I'd read it before myself but had just refound that post.
I found those a few months back; a truly great read.

I have the essays in a .pdf file that was designed so that the essays can be printed neatly with a cover page and everything, if anyone is interested.
Here's what to expect as demographics change and the kids take over government. Raising a Nation of Wimps. It feeds into this Nation of Cowards post. It's a long read, but worth it to see how this endless "Won't someone please protect the children" stupidity is affecting the generations.
It's at least two years old; I remember reading that long ago. I thought it was an amazingly insightful piece of work.
It was first published in the fall of 1993.

Imagine how much more true it is today.....look around, listen around.....any doubt to it's truth?
Wow. Two extremely well written articles ! I thought Kim du Toit had things nailed when I read
The Pussification Of The Western Male . I had no idea I've been abusing my son by telling him to study harder if his grades are less than acceptable. [thinking]

Perhaps I too am having difficulty with Gestalt thinking. My attempt to raise my child as a problem solving independent thinker able to make decisions and take responsibility for his actions will result in his failure to be dependent on the .gov and I will wind up charged with child abuse because he skinned his knees playing outside. [laugh]

I gotta get me some more [coffee] and give these a second, slower read through...
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