40 shot in 3 days in Chicago

What's the shot-to-kill ratio? They need to really pump up their numbers going into summer or it's gonna be a very disappointing year.
Drive-by shootings, eh?

Was the vehicle seen fleeing the scene(s) of these shootings a late-model F-150 with Gadsden Flag bumper stickers, driven by an overweight, ballcap- and cargo pants-wearing middle-aged white guy (probably with a beard)? #DamnYouNRA!

Boy, I am really close on this one.
did they use a AR? Take place in a school zone. no ..... then the media and politics don't care
holy shit batman with those low percentage rates of arrest vs crime ! If they ran like a business they would be belly up. For now they have the open check book behind them

It's not that difficult to understand. How successful in your business would you be if your clients didn't talk to you about ways to improve your product. The whole 'snitches get stitches' mindset is what leads to low apprehension rates. People know who's doing the shooting, but they either don't care or want revenge themselves.
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