3 July Westfield USPSA Classifier 6 Stateg

I think he's saying that he was put in as pending at the match and just got his number. Not sure if that requires intervention from the submitting club or if sedro sorts it out.

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USPSA tries to match up the Pending's with new members by name. If you find after the first posting period that its not listed for your classification, give them a call (USPSA). They might be able to link up to the submitted results. If that doesn't work, you can email the match director with your new USPSA number, which he/she can update their results with and submit a correction. But as mentioned, clubs have until the 10th of the month to submit activity, then USPSA runs the compile by the 15th (or so). So if the activity was submitted already by the club, you might even see the classifier listed for you with the next compile (sometime this week most likely).
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