2018 Local Elections Coming Up


NES Member
Nov 15, 2007
central MA
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Friendly reminder that your local elections are coming up, and you should probably check out your local candidates. I know it's paying off for me...

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And this despite her being a "self defense expert," per Linkedin.
Agree! We typically put more focus on the higher levels of government, but the local level is where we have the most input. And, it's where tomorrow's state or federal candidates get their start.

Can we use this thread to share info on local candidates? Would love to have a resource for people that want to vote the right way, but aren't sure who to support / stay away from.
Agree! We typically put more focus on the higher levels of government, but the local level is where we have the most input. And, it's where tomorrow's state or federal candidates get their start.
Absolutely. I don't even want an animal control officer or a school board member that's anti-2A.

Can we use this thread to share info on local candidates? Would love to have a resource for people that want to vote the right way, but aren't sure who to support / stay away from.
That's why I started it.
Any Danvers people out there know anything regarding candidate's 2A position? Got a couple of flyers from a guy named Avery who was a vet and an author and another from a young guy (24 iirc) named Mezzina who is supposedly looking out for the middle class. Just curious if anyone knew anything beyond what's in their pamphlets.
Any Danvers people out there know anything regarding candidate's 2A position? Got a couple of flyers from a guy named Avery who was a vet and an author and another from a young guy (24 iirc) named Mezzina who is supposedly looking out for the middle class. Just curious if anyone knew anything beyond what's in their pamphlets.
Look on your town site and get names for candidates. They generally have candidate statements, and sometimes have Facebook links.

Search them on Facebook, and search them on OpenSecrets.

Or list them all here, and I'll dig through them sometime early tomorrow AM.
Some pretty important stuff just in from Westford Pro2A. Read the whole thing, but the TL;DR is make sure you write SOMETHING in for a candidate that doesn't suck, even if they're the only one on the ballot. That's good advice for everyone, though it does mean that you actually need to go and research each candidate.

Rest assured, there are Patriots among us...
We are sorry to bother you with one last email before the Election.

Proving that there is never a dull moment in local politics, there are two issues we felt you, the Pro 2A voters, should know

A Stealthy Write In Candidate

Westford resident Juliette Mount secretly waited until after the televised candidates night to mount a write in campaign. Westford Pro 2A obtained a copy of her "positions" and it includes this statement:

"What is your position on guns in the schools?

I appreciate the question and am very concerned about escalating violence and the need for better control, and I have been a voice for action in this regard. I would also support a gun buyback program, as these have proven very successful in other communities.

In addition, background checks, a federal registry, more security for our students are all vital. I do not believe we should arm our teachers, but we should engage students, teachers, and parents in a discussion about a multi-faceted approach to not only protect but also to identify the behaviors that isolate and marginalize people in the community."

Bottom line, when you go to vote tomorrow, make sure you actually vote for your candidate by MARKING THE BALLOT, even if they appear to be the only one listed.

You Get to Vote TWICE! - School Committee

No, this is not a typo.

The only Candidate for School Committee rated B or better is ZHENG, and you may vote for him TWICE. Yes ! you read correctly. There is a unique set of circumstances in this year’s school committee election, which will allow this. There are two seats up for election. The first is a three year seat, which is part of the regular election rotation. There is a second seat, which is a special election to fill a one year term, created by the departure of Terry Ryan, who is running for State Senate. ZHENG is on the ballot for the three year term, but he is not on the ballot for the one year term. We are asking you to check the ballot for ZHENG for the three year term and then write him in on the one year term. This will increase his chances of election.

Town Elections Tuesday May 1, 2018 (link)
Every election we send questions to certain candidates running for office to gauge where they stand on the Second Amendment. This year, we are continuing our policy of issuing letter grades to candidates. The letters are A, B, C, F, or I (Incomplete/Unavailable).

Grade A – The candidate fully supports the Second Amendment in word, deed, and/or takes a pro-active approach to demonstrating this.

Grade B – The candidate states that they fully support the second amendment, but no other evidence is available to show how they might act.

Grade C – The candidate has made remarks that Westford Pro 2A considers less than fully supportive of the Second Amendment, but we are unaware of any actions by the candidate to undermine the Second Amendment.

Grade F – The candidate has made actions to limit the Second Amendment rights of people.

Grade I – Incomplete or unavailable. The candidate did NOT respond to questions.

Candidate(s) for Selectman
Mark D. Kost – GRADE A

Questions asked and Answers received:
1. Do you believe the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution confers an individual right to be respected?

2. Do you believe that individual towns may place additional burdens on law-abiding firearms owners in addition to Federal and State Law?

Candidate(s) for School Committee
Mingquan Zheng – GRADE B

Questions Asked and Answers Received:
1. Do you believe the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution confers an individual right to be respected?
A: When I took an oath to become citizen of the United States, I pledged to "support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America", and that is what I am going to do: to support US Constitution and its amendments in entirety.

2. Do you believe in “age appropriate” firearms safety training (such as Eddie Eagle for young children and Home Firearms Safety for older students)?

A: I do understand that keeping children away from firearms reduces risks of firearm related accidents. However firearm accidents do happen to young kids, and whenever such accident happens it is heartbroken for the affected families. Firearm safety training, if proven effective, could be a good tool to prepare kids in the rare cases of encountering firearms alone. For a school system, it needs to look into whether there are fundings available, if the program is proven effective, and if instruction fits into class schedule. Also I do understand strong objections from some parents on this issue. It could be done as explicitly opt-in required from parents for their kids to participate.

When I entered college in China, we were required to participate in reserve officer training, and the training includes firearm training like assembling/disassembling firearms, live shooting practices, etc. Although I am not a gun owner myself, there is value in the training I received.

3. Would you support a scholastic shooting team (such as trap, rifle, or pistol) in Westford Academy?

A: Shooting is actually an Olympic Sports and obviously sports start with assembling a team with coaching, training, and competing, etc. I don't know if Westford Academy has the resources, facilities, and funding available for such a team. It really depends on the parents and students at Westford Academy to see if they want to make it happen.

Alicia Curtin Mallon - Grade C

1. Do you believe the Second Amendment of the United States Constitution confers an individual right to be respected?
A: While I do support gun ownership, I also support rigorous background checks, and common sense safety limitations. The Second Amendment was written in a time where the writers could not conceive of the weapons of today. Evolving with modern standards is a must.

2. Do you believe in “age appropriate” firearms safety training (such as Eddie Eagle for young children and Home Firearms Safety for older students)?
A: Yes, but WPS currently uses a school appropriate program and ALICE drills for that purpose. All other education should take place at home.

3. Would you support a scholastic shooting team (such as trap, rifle, or pistol) in Westford Academy?
A: Within specific circumstances, yes. I support all student-desired groups as long as they are appropriate. There would be a long list of safety, facilities, and training demands that would come with such a team. Only if all those needs were met, without compromising the budget demands of student learning as well as campus safety, would I support it at WA.

Christoper P. Sanders – Incomplete

Avery Rockwell Adam – Incomplete

Candidate(s) for Board of Health
Joanne E. Belanger - Incomplete

Candidate(s) for Planning Board
Darrin Wizst – Incomplete

Candidate(s) for Library Trustees
We did not send questions to these candidates.
My only gripe is losing Keiko Orall in Lakeville to a bid for the Treasury. Otherwise, I keep a close eye on my local politicians. But a good reminder.
Reading had its elections. Anti’s across the board. More troubling is there is a new group in town POP Resist (secret FB group, minimal web presence). During the election someone got a hold of one of their emails (monthly) and posted it on FB. Your usual anti-Trump stuff but also a section called Drain the NRA with a list of companies to contact about boycotting it. Also they urged members to join Moms against bla bla. They also recommended following the fake Indian and the oath breaker on Twitter. Last count there are 350+ members in town and they meet every month in the library. Their list of approves candidates all won.
Unfortunately the "moms" groups have been quietly organizing all over the state and they seem to be finding willing participants.
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