2011 Massachusetts State ICORE Championship

Thanks to Mike and everyone else that attended - and a big "Thanks" to the Springfield Sportsman's Club for hosting the match!

We had shooters and crews from 3 States representing every Division, some from as far away as the Canadian border, some coming back from the NRA conference in PA, and as near as adjoining towns.

Your hard-working MD - Magnum Bob - is tallying the scores now - expect them posted in 48 hr.

As noted, trophies will be personalized and mailed.

See you all soon!

Four states

I'll also add my thanks to Bob for organizing the First Annual Massachusetts State ICORE Championship, and to Craig for ordering up the nice weather. Getting the clouds to block the sun really made Nearly Near And Far Standards much easier to shoot than it would have been with the full sun behind it as it was for set up. I think I tallied up four states represented in my squad alone - NH, MA, CT, and NY.

Also, the 2nd gunners finished a good 45 minutes before dark [grin]

It surely was, John. I forgot NH!

By my tally, those who shot a second gun in a specialty category ended up firing 18 stages and over 420 rd in 8 hours (11:00-19:00) - all for a $50 entry fee.

That's hard to beat.
Thanks to all the match staff for a fun shoot! This was probably the best match I've been to this year. I was really into the combination of different skills needed for this match, from running and gunning to longer range accuracy shooting - humbling, but fun nonetheless.
Thanks to Bob, Matt, Craig and John. And the others who helped set up and run a great match! I look forward to many more ICORE challenges in the future.Peter
I'm really pissed I had to work and not shoot this match. Bag was packed and ready to go but work called. Wish it was on Sun instead of Sat.
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