
Yesterday wifey and I are out relaxing watching the crew go up and down the Charles, and find this momma groundhog next to a tree. I point it out to the other half, and she asked why his ears arent floppy and told me she thought all bunnies run away from people.

Then a group of students walked over and literally walked right over it before noticing.
All girls proceed to scream bloody murder at top of their lungs, and then start laughing and start talking about how they never saw a porcupine before.

She's good at identifying fish, probably much better than I am, but if it's a mammal short of a dog or cat, well I guess she's not too keen on those [laugh].

wow, i didnt know rats in Cambridge were so big....LOL
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I see the resemblance


HOLY CRAP. Eyes look the same, hair looks the same, the nose looks the same.

OMG! she must be a giant Cambridge RAT!...I mean groundhog.
Parents had one that would sun bathe on their pinic table next to the shed it lived under. My dad thinks a perdator got to it as it failed to appear after a week or so.
I have one that steals tomatos from my small garden. It won't go in a trap, and has 6th sense about running down its hole when anyone is withing 200' of it!
I have one that steals tomatos from my small garden. It won't go in a trap, and has 6th sense about running down its hole when anyone is withing 200' of it!

Mine listens for movement in the house, and will bilt before the door opens, as a general rule. The bastid has stayed out of my garden since my son buried the bottom edge of teh fence....I still wanna bury that sucker....
With a lot of patience and a knowledge of their habits and routes they take or where their hole is, you can get them. You need to be real still and quiet and hidden, if possible. You'll get one shot at 'em. I've only hunted one but he came by the same time each day and I was ready. Got him with an air rifle with a shot between the ear and eye at about 25-30 yards. He went right down.
We had 6 die from lead poisoning around our garden last year, only three so far this year. I don't know how they find it all but they do.
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