11 year old field strip AR15 in 53 seconds


thats how long it takes me to remove the bolt out of my SKS....crap, i shouldnt have said that.[grin]
Great job! Except for one thing...I wish she had checked to make sure there was no round in the chamber first.
Great job! Except for one thing...I wish she had checked to make sure there was no round in the chamber first.

I'm a little confused as to how that was even an issue in this case.

Field stripping a Glock...it's an issue. An AR15? Even if the two of them didn't check prior to the filming (which, given the apparent proficiency with administrative handling of firearms, they probably did), if you don't pull the trigger while the two halves are attached, it's a non-issue.
I guess it was one of those things that was drilled into my head from an early age and in every firearm training course I ever took...before you fieldstrip, check to make sure there is no round in the chamber...but you're right...probably a non-issue here.
[thinking] I am sure they check it just before they started.

I guess it was one of those things that was drilled into my head from an early age and in every firearm training course I ever took...before you fieldstrip, check to make sure there is no round in the chamber...but you're right...probably a non-issue here.
It's great to see a girl who is showing confidence and competency with mechanical objects/tools/etc. For a variety of reasons, girls are generally assumed to be incapable of/not interested in this kind of thing, and then they end up behaving sheepishly when they are confronted with any task that requires some kind of mechanical aptitude, which hurts them in the long run. The analogue for boys would be dealing with emotional tasks effectively - they seem to have the same sheepishness about them when they find themselves in a situation that demands emotional aptitude of some kind.

Anyway, good video.
Good for her and her parents but , generally speaking, I can't understand people being so proud of their ability to field strip their firearms in 0.007 seconds. I disassemble my guns only for cleaning and small upgrades or repairs. In these instances it doesn't matter to me how fast I field strip them.
Good for her and her parents but , generally speaking, I can't understand people being so proud of their ability to field strip their firearms in 0.007 seconds. I disassemble my guns only for cleaning and small upgrades or repairs. In these instances it doesn't matter to me how fast I field strip them.

Because it shows proficiency, and familiarity with the components of the weapon. You are correct that the main function would be for cleaning/maint., but it is still cool seeing her level of proficiency in not only the operation, but also down to the individual components.
Good for her and her parents but , generally speaking, I can't understand people being so proud of their ability to field strip their firearms in 0.007 seconds. I disassemble my guns only for cleaning and small upgrades or repairs. In these instances it doesn't matter to me how fast I field strip them.

Um, for fun?
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