Would you guys please stop victimizing police officers?

Mar 23, 2009
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Cops are running out of bullets. Thank the NRA - Salon.com

Pryor’s problem, he explains to Salon, is that he’s having trouble finding ammunition and firearms for his officers, thanks to a national shortage. The cause? A run on supply from gun lovers afraid that Congress or state legislatures will impose new gun control laws in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting.

“Everyone is thinking, they’re going to stop manufacturing, or they’re going to be taxing and all this, so it’s just this mentality of, let’s all buy up everything now just in case. And it hurts us,” Pryor said. “This is ridiculous. This shouldn’t be happening to law enforcement.”
The gov started this, and now its useful idiots are bitching about unintended consequences? That's rich.

I do practice. A lot... but its just life. There's a lot that we can do with less ammo, just have to be creative.
Ahh yes Karma, I see this as a positive thing. I am sure their personal stash at home is well stocked. Then again most are ill informed so nothing would shock me.

Dead Crow comes to mind.
Well maybe if the majority of the cops told congress and the president to "STFU, guns are not the problem" they wouldn't be having this problem now would they! Instead they did the opposite and helped create the problem they now face.

I have no sympathy, you reap what you sow.

That said, the few cops on here who are stand up guys, you do have my sympathy. However, you guys are in the know so you were most likely smart and have a stockpile you can tap.
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to dam bad, stop treating us gun owners like second class citizens with all these dam bull**** regulations and we wont buy up everything in sight. Better yet how about treating us as goddam human beings. Is that to much to ask for. All this talk about goddam equality..........where is the dam equality for us?
What world does he live in? Is he blind and deaf?

I cant stand this, "oh the NRA is spreading fear mongering of the government taking our guns" etc................ No statements from government officials is spreading fear mongering Dianne Feinstein saying she wants to take away all guns is doing this, the Proposed AWB is doing this, Magazine limitations is doing this.
Indeed, business is booming for the firearms industry in the wake of Sandy Hook, propelled by trumped-up fears of gun control.

It's been booming since long before Sandy Hook, since Nov. 2008.

The COPS should ask to borrow ammo from DHS, god knows they have enough of a stockpile.
Just think, I knew of one agency that had at least a year and a half, maybe two year supply just in case this happen. Then came along some very "wise" manager (Capt) and deemed that in his infinite wisdom and knowledge that this was not needed and that ammo was to be used before any more was ordered.

So that's why DHS needs a 20 year stockpile. [hmmm]
“Everyone is thinking, they’re going to stop manufacturing, or they’re going to be taxing and all this, so it’s just this mentality of, let’s all buy up everything now just in case. And it hurts us,” Pryor said. “This is ridiculous. This shouldn’t be happening to law enforcement.

How about this shouldn't be happening to anyone, at all, ever? Here we go with the closed minded holier than thou bullsh!t. I'm not a violent person, never even been in a real fight before, but man when I read that last sentence it made me want to punch this guy in the head a few dozon...hundred...times.
If half the police had anything I wanted, I would suggest they sell it to me. [smile]

They should get in line for everything, guns, ammo, supplies, etc. Screw them.
"But what those rushing to stockpile guns and ammo seem to miss is that their actions have consequences on the people whose job it is to keep us safe."

It's our job to keep ourselves safe. I don't care if the historian who shows up after the fact to write up a report has any ammo or not. It's usually pointless for him to have ammo by the time he arrives.
they bitch about having to go to the range, then they can't hit shit when they do, now they're bitching about not having ammo?

seriously... WTF..... keep running security in the DnD parking lot and leave the shooting to the experts.....
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