Why are we here, on this forum?

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Apr 9, 2008
Metro West
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I think it's because we all share a common interest, I think it's because a certain Marine made it for us.

The simple fact is that we all have one common cause together, therefore we need to show a common front.

I have met so many great people here, some I would trust with my life.

My Hope is that we can all stick together in these hard times.

I was sure it was to discuss the philosophical aspects of shooting. You know, the whole zen thing. But now I realize, it's just to give you more rep points![laugh]
I'm just here to troll for deals in the classifieds!

Seriously....the differences that come up aside...we are so outnumbered here in this state that we just need to stick together and get positive reinforcement that we are not crazy or wrong.
ok, dink... honest answer. [laugh]

i avoided this place for years because i didn't have time for it.

common cause... yes, the right to live a free life. and the only way to do that is with unrestricted access to the same weaponry that the elected officials police,aka military, carries.

is that possible in today's legal climate? in some places, yes. in others no.

i believe in the dream of America that my fathers, grandfathers, and ancestors before them past on to me. i believe in a nation where like minded people stand shoulder to shoulder and defend life, liberty, and private property. i believe that i can make this world a better place for my children.

and i dread the fact that current events are trying to steal that from them.

does that mean i'll join a militia and stockpile MRE's? no.
does that mean i'll buy into all the tinfoil hat theories of survivalists? no.
does that mean i'll waste time talking to my 5 year old kid about politics? no.

but i'll be goddamned if i can't stand up, by myself, or shoulder to shoulder, just like the guys did in Lexington and Concord, with other fathers, husbands, single folks, gays, lesbians, whatever, and put my life on the line with a good firearm in the off chance that it will mean the world will be a better place for my children.

that's why i'm here. because i've met some awfully good people on this forum. people i'd hike my ass down to help, and hopefully would return the favor, should shit ever hit the fan.


Did you just call me dink? [smile]

That's exactly what my point was my friend, thank you.

I'd say something nice to Blitz, but he made a joke about fathering the baby my wife just had and I'm so mad I can barely control mysel.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Man it's starting to look like ar15.com GD around here.[smile] Which isn't necessarily a bad thing.
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