Who has the best prices on MREs at the moment?


NES Member
Mar 26, 2008
Central Vermont
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I'm looking to get a couple more cases of MREs and wondered who has the best prices on them at the moment?

I know they aren't the best tasting things out there, but for what I need, they're just so convenient.
No idea. Did see cases of them at ZHA a couple days ago. No idea on prices, I was across the room shooting the bull with Jim when I spotted them.
If any of you are not yet aware, there has been a recall on all flavors of the dairyshake powder in MREs and UGRs:

DO NOT CONSUME operational ration Dairyshake Powder until further notice. Consumers/end users should remove and destroy the Dairyshake Powder in a manner to ensure it will not be accidentally consumed. The remainder of the MRE/UGR-E menu is consumable and should not be discarded/destroyed.

Plainview Milk Products Cooperative (MPC), Plainview, MN. voluntarily issued a recall of instant non-fat dried milk (NFDM) products produced between June 2007 and June 2009 made on equipment found to contain Salmonella during an FDA investigation of the facility. NFDM from Plainview MPC was used to produce some lots of "Dairyshake Powder, Fortified with Calcium and Vitamin D" that were assembled in some lots of MRE, UGR-E, and TOTEM rations. Following consultation with the FDA and confirming operational rations Dairyshakes were affected by the Plainview MPC recall, DSCP issued ALFOODACT 130-2009 to ensure no Dairyshakes would be consumed pending specific lot identification. Due to the extensive nature of potential adulteration, worldwide distribution, and war fighters' immediate need for operational rations, DSCP issued ALFOODACT 131-2009 with a single date of pack (DOP)/lot number cutoff for MRE and UGR-E rations. DSCP, in conjunction with the DoD Veterinary Service Agency/Office of the Surgeon General, determined the Plainview MPC NFDM recall be expanded to include all MRE Dairyshakes assembled from 1 January 2006 to 30 June 2009 to ensure the safety of war fighters around the world. Testing and quality control protocols are stringent for operational ration components and there are no known incidents of illness from consuming the operational ration Dairyshake Powder. However, the intermittent nature of potential adulteration makes it prudent to expand the recall period and provide our war fighters and other customers with only safe and wholesome products.


Operational Rations, Dairyshake Powder, Recall Information Page

ALFOODACT 130-2009 Do Not Consume MRE and UGR-E Dairy Shake powder, Fortified with Calcium and Vitamin D until further notice.

ALFOODACT 131-2009 Update to and Expansion of ALFOODACT 130-2009 Do Not Consume MRE and UGR-E Dairy Shake powder.

ALFOODACT 139-2009 Operational Rations Dairyshake Powders; update
to ALFOODACT 130-2009 and 131-2009; notification of website.
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Thanks. I ended up ordering mine from armygear before I saw your post. I have ordered from them in the past and always been happy with them. As for the powdered dairy drinks, they are generally so vile they get tossed out of my MREs on general principle anyway, but thanks for the heads up.
Thanks for all the links. I never ate MRE's but would consider trying them if the price is right.

Maybe I'm weird, but I actually like them. I find that at $5.00 or less they're not a bad alternative to fast food when I'm on the road or working from my car. Not as good as leftovers from the wife, but better than quarter pounders and fries.

The New Zed Order: SURVIVE
To resurrect an old thread, would two MREs per day be a reasonable amount for calculations of how many I need? Wikipedia says that MREs have 1200 calories each, so 2400 calories in a day seems like a safe amount to use for calculations.

I'm planning for my emergency food bin to have mostly MREs supplemented with some 3600 calorie bars if calories are being burned rapidly.
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