When is it OK to leave negative feedback?

ETA: I'm also mindful that a lot of people don't leave positive feedback, either.
I've had 1 sale of a rifle by me to another. Deal went off without a hitch and it was a sweetheart deal because I was looking to unload fast to fund another firearm. Things seemed good on both ends, yet I never got a positive feedback, so it looks like I have none.
expect retaliation for neg feedback, it's how it is.

when i sell something here, i never mark the sale complete until cash is in hand. i know people change their mind, it doesn't bother me in the least if they back out, just call me is all i ask.
I've got many a I'll take it! and then i reply to set a date and time up and get crickets. That's kinda normal as people open their wallets without thinking first. Then they think about it.
No big deal......I move on to the next person and I've never had anyone not show up.........

Not showing up, I would contact them first, then if they ghost....maybe give them a neg rep depending on how long and out of my way I travelled. Many times I meet at a convient place or cabelas or something where I'd go to anyway.....so if they don't show, whatever, I'll take the high road. I'm pretty much done travelling a long ways any more. Its not worth it.
I have always been unsure when to leave negative feedback, I'm always wondering if it's a petty or deserved reason. I have a member asking to buy something and has blown me off twice, I want to leave negative feedback but at the same time I'm wondering if its worth it. I'm guessing once I leave them negative feedback, they are going to give me negative feedback and it only ends up hurting me.

what are your thoughts and when is it justified?
Never. Everyone gets a trophy.
I’ve done a lot of smooth deals where the other guy didn’t leave feedback even after I left them a positive one. I also screwed a guy over once (I fell asleep and missed our meet up. My bad) and he thankfully didn’t leave me a bad one even though I guess I deserved it.

If someone had a ton of bad feedback, I wouldn’t bother with them. A bunch off good with a couple bad? Wouldn’t stop me. I know some guys get butt hurt easily.
I've got many a I'll take it! and then i reply to set a date and time up and get crickets. That's kinda normal as people open their wallets without thinking first. Then they think about it.
No big deal......I move on to the next person and I've never had anyone not show up.........

Not showing up, I would contact them first, then if they ghost....maybe give them a neg rep depending on how long and out of my way I travelled. Many times I meet at a convient place or cabelas or something where I'd go to anyway.....so if they don't show, whatever, I'll take the high road. I'm pretty much done travelling a long ways any more. Its not worth it.

This is my take as well. Circumstances change and many items here aren’t exactly pocket change (for most). Someone saying “I’ll take it!” and changing their mind a day or two later is to be expected. There’s usually another buyer waiting in the wings.

Communication goes both ways. I went to meet someone and thought I was getting ghosted so I called to see what’s up (always get a phone number if a confirmed meet is to take place) dude was super apologetic, wrapped up in work, and lost track of time. He got there in 5 minutes.
Negative feedback happens if after confirming a place and time, no show, and then no contact. Or misrepresenting an item. I should have given someone negative feedback but it was only my second deal so for some dumb reason I didn’t. Agreeing on brass cased ammo and showing up with some brass and a bunch of steel, after I drive nearly an hour, puts one in a tough position. That’s the one deal I regret.
I arranged to look at a firearm several days later, on the weekend. Committed only to look at it, no commitment to buy.

On the Friday prior I told him I couldn’t make it. He negative repped me, without telling me, even though I’d contacted him prior and never said, “I’ll take it.” I negative repped him for “poor communication.” Pointless in both cases.

So now I establish ground rules in advance, because there are Bob P’s around.
This is when being as thorough as possible in a w.t.s. ad is crucial.
You can lay out all the terms of a sale right then and there. It puts everything on the buyer and their reading comprehension.
For me I would only leave negative feedback if the words “I will take it” or “Sold” came out of the mouth of the person I was doing business with and they completely blew me off after that. Most People are socially ignorant and don’t have clue #1 on how to interact with people let alone fo a business deal, the one word answers then going dark doesn’t really warrant negative feedback just a mental note to not waste your time again with the person.
got to be careful selling here, a lot of people have a history of getting butt hurt very easy. everyday someone wants to trash and send a business into damnation for eternity. and you see a lot of "i emailed 3 hours ago and no reply so here goes" kind of stuff. so to neg rep a nes member is childs play. my point is there's always a reason for an action. in my real life, not my on screen life, i try to give the other guy a little slack. i've been stiffed one time...as a buyer. the deal was done, waiting on the seller to get back to me with hook up details, he sold the goods out from under me without a call. crickets...i heard nothing from the guy. after a couple of emails i sent, he finally answered to tell me. i let it slide, didn't want to start a war, but i have a long memory.

and i'll tell you a secret, anyone who puts in their ad goose rules...i ignore and go on by. those people are the worst to deal with in my opinion.
and i'll tell you a secret, anyone who puts in their ad goose rules...i ignore and go on by. those people are the worst to deal with in my opinion.

Yeah, having read the ‘Goose Rules’ I have to agree. It sounds like a hardo who’s time is obviously worth more than mine and someone I wouldn’t want to do business with.
Just did business with Goose, went way out of his way and it was a great transaction. So far for me it's about 1out of 4 leave feedback irrespective of wether I do or not. I just drove 60 + miles on a "I'll take them" to get blown off by an asshat who apparently was a) late for work and b) had poor reading comprehension. Still pissed weeks later but didn't neg rep because I don't want to deal with retribution. The whole feedback system is worthless IMO
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This is exactly my point, that feedback is bullshit. One guy was mad that I didnt want his gun in a trade and I didn't reply to him for a day as I was away for the weekend and the other guy blew me off for a month so I left him negative feedback so he gave me negative feedback. The 58 other people I have dealt with had no issues

Take it from someone with a really high feedback rating: document every transaction. I keep nearly all communication on NES in PMs. If the other guy loses his mind, I have all the proof I have to show what was going on.

Revenge feedback does happen, although I've never had to deal with it. If you got negative feedback and it's not true, send admin a screen shot of the dialogue in question, and he will make it right if it's in fact bullshit.

I haven't given a ton of negative out, although I have unfortunately had to do it recently several times. I give people A LOT of wiggle room. Being blown off/ghosted is usually the biggest problem, and I give several days at least before I start getting annoyed enough to skip this person, give bad feedback and move on.

We sell things here on NES for money. When people delay that, they take money from me. I've had TWO separate instances back to back in the spring where Guy #1 wanted it, claimed it, guy #2 wanted it, was backup. Guy 1 disappears for a week. I move onto guy 2 and he's bought something else. Now I have to f***ing price drop a few weeks later because guy 1 is a waste of time and money.

It's real simple, buyers. If you want the item, buy it. Don't disappear after you claim it and start working on the details of pickup. Because you will f*** up peoples transactions. if you can't commit enough time to negotiate the deal to a pickup, don't friggen PM a seller. Shit happens, we get it. And I wouldnt give someone negative feedback if they had a valid excuse as to where the hell they went, but it's yet to happen.
Just did business with Goose, went way out of his way and it was a great transaction. So for for me it's about 1out of 4 leave feedback irrespective of wether I do or not. I just drove 60 + miles on a "I'll take them" to get blown off by an asshat who apparently was a) late for work and b) had poor reading comprehension. Still pissed weeks later but didn't neg rep because I don't want to deal with retribution. The whole feedback system is worthless IMO
see my post.
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