What is the big draw to Bi-Tone pistols?

I don't usually like the looks of two tone. That being said, sometimes the all black will be non-stainless and the two tone is stainless. This is not the case on every gun, but its worth looking into. To me stainless on a gun is always worth the mark up, especially on the slide, frame, and barrel. If it has practical value the stainless would probably outweigh the aesthetics, if it wS for pure joy with an anticipated low usage life, I would have to base the decision on looks. If the two tone version was not stainless I would not get it, as bare carbon steel would be a lot of maintenance and it wouldn't be attractive to me. Hope this helps, but just remember to stay happy with your decision on don't double guess. Your decision should be #1 important to you. Best of luck.
If I was at a gun shop and the sales guy asked if I wanted a Bi tone I would just slowly step away.
I'm not a fan, but have three that are Bi, er mixed, errr, um.. multi colo.... ummm.. well you know...
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