was just wondering

You are not OK. That is a clear violation of the law. Like I said before, Don't Bitch when you get popped.
Thank you for the Clarification on this, obviously this is one of those violations that most people probably do not even realize they are committing.
I get the whole "letter of the law" thing, but to what extent is the "spirit of the law" taken into account?

WTH happens to bow hunters? Are they OK so long as they don't nock an arrow too early?
I used to wait along the trail that the "Hunter" would be using to get back to his vehicle, and watch and listen to him work the action and hear rthe shells hit the ground. I did charge them with hunting after hours.

Wait. You actually charged people with hunting after hours simply because they walked out of the woods while the gun still had cartridges in the magazine, and by the time they got back to the truck it was after the legal hunting hours?
If they were walking out of the woods and it was after legal hunting hours and thier Firearm was still loaded. YES!!!!

Very simple answer, They were hunting after lawful hunting hours.

Did you believe that they purposefully left their guns loaded so that they could shoot a deer if they saw one after hours? Or were they people that just so happened to be walking out of the woods ignorant of this speciffic detail regarding the law?
Firearms loaded, They were still hunting.

I can't find the actual law on this. The Hunting Digest doesn't state that firearms loaded = hunting. Atleast, I can't find it. Do you have a link to the actual law or the speciffic text so that I can read through it?

And, can you tell me what the penalty would be for walking to my truck with rounds in the magazine after the hunting time is over for the day?
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I can understand that loaded equals hunting. if the guy is sitting next to a tree or is in stand then that's wrong, but I would hope an EPO would first give a warning to a guy walking back to truck with a loaded gun who may have forgotten to unload.

It's pretty lame to expect people to load their gun at shooting time. Seems like a cheap bust. If a guy shoots prior to legal time then bag him.
You don't need a link, You are in the woods with a loaded firearm of the type used for used for that particular game, during that particular time of year, attired in the clothing that is worn while hunting. You are not out walking in the woods. That will stand for itself.

I do need a link. I want to make sure that I am following the law. Is there any place that you can point me to where I can read something that makes it more clear than the Digest? Is there a speciffic definition, etc.? The reason I am asking is because often times these things are explicitly defined. And, I would like to see that and any other parts of the law that I may happen to be missing. This may seem obvious to you because you enforced the law. But, I would imagine that I am not alone in making the mistake of walking around with rounds in the magazine before or after hours while I am not actually hunting. But, while an EPO might consider me to be hunting.

Also, what is the penalty?
Mass. General Laws Chapter 131 section 1 Definitions, Read the defiinition on hunting.

I'm sorry, but I didn't realize that we were talking about MA. I had assumed that you were a NH game warden because of the location in your signature. Do you happen to know if the law is the same in NH, or do you have a link to that as you do to the one in MA?
I am a "Retired" Massachusetts Environmental Police Sergeant.

As far as New Hampshire goes I know what I have to know for the game I hunt and trap. I am not an "Expert" on New Hampshire game laws.

Okay, thanks. I will try to find this out. But, to be honest it is probably difficult. Because, even by the definition of hunting in MA I would not have read that and come to the conclusion that it would be illegal to have rounds in the magazine after hours on their way back to the truck. The definition specifies that hunting = pursuing game. But, knowing what you said about the fact that you have charged people for this I would err on the side of caution.

When someone is charged, is it an offense that they get a hearing for and the penalty set by a judge? Or, does the EPO specify the fine as per the regulation that you specified and that is the end of the story?
The officer has a broad range of discretion, at his or her disposal. Each time, place, and person would be handled accordingly. verbal warning, written warning, Non-criminal citation, (fine) Criminal summons, or an arrest. Yes, The Ma. fish and game laws are arrestable.

Okay, thank you for all of that information.
Dam it man when does the drive start lol!! Been getting skunked out there!


Haven't been driving much at all have had to take care of ranger while the wife is at work need to be home round 9 am or so! Super foggy this morning I got nothing on shooting right now don't care what time it is lol
Back on topic, I left the climber behind to go hit one of my fixed stands since I don't have to be at work until noon today. Got my climbing sticks and my harness all ready to go, got into the woods while it was still dark, made it to my spot while it was still dark, and spent the rest of the time before the sun came up searching for my tree. When the sun did come up enough where I could get a better picture of things I realized that my stand had been stolen. So now I'm hunting from the base of a tree near where my stand used to be. I'm not that pissed about the stand (it only cost me $30), I'm just pissed that the only day this shotgun season I can hunt until noon I have to do it from the ground carrying 30lbs of gear I don't need. At least I brought more cookies.
What do you guys bring for food/drink? I've got poptarts, cheese/peanutbutter crackers, and g2 grape. Just had a group of turkeys walk past 20 yards away. Treestands rock.

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Back on topic, I left the climber behind to go hit one of my fixed stands since I don't have to be at work until noon today. Got my climbing sticks and my harness all ready to go, got into the woods while it was still dark, made it to my spot while it was still dark, and spent the rest of the time before the sun came up searching for my tree. When the sun did come up enough where I could get a better picture of things I realized that my stand had been stolen. So now I'm hunting from the base of a tree near where my stand used to be. I'm not that pissed about the stand (it only cost me $30), I'm just pissed that the only day this shotgun season I can hunt until noon I have to do it from the ground carrying 30lbs of gear I don't need. At least I brought more cookies.

That is BS, reasons why I am disliking hunting in this state more and more... too much public land with to many a-holes. I would be rip $hit, even though the stand is cheap, it is the point... Lock your stuff buys

- - - Updated - - -

Water, trail mix, jerky, fruit, low odor high energy
That is BS, reasons why I am disliking hunting in this state more and more... too much public land with to many a-holes. I would be rip $hit, even though the stand is cheap, it is the point... Lock your stuff buys

- - - Updated - - -

Water, trail mix, jerky, fruit, low odor high energy

Oh I am rip$iht. It's just because the day's ruined though, and not about the stand. Locking it up doesn't matter. These a-holes usually carry cordless angle grinders with them. As it was, the stand was 20' up in a tree, so that to be at least a little prepared to steal it. Somebody that determined is going to steal it one way or another. Leaving it up there just weeds out the people who stumble upon it, and figure that nobody is looking.

I usually just have a bottle of water, a power bar, and some camel snus, but I'm usually only up there for 3-4 hours. If I was there longer I'd probably bring more food. The cookies I just happened to have, and I thought they'd be a nice change.
Back on topic, I left the climber behind to go hit one of my fixed stands since I don't have to be at work until noon today. Got my climbing sticks and my harness all ready to go, got into the woods while it was still dark, made it to my spot while it was still dark, and spent the rest of the time before the sun came up searching for my tree. When the sun did come up enough where I could get a better picture of things I realized that my stand had been stolen. So now I'm hunting from the base of a tree near where my stand used to be. I'm not that pissed about the stand (it only cost me $30), I'm just pissed that the only day this shotgun season I can hunt until noon I have to do it from the ground carrying 30lbs of gear I don't need. At least I brought more cookies.

That stinks man. I hope you get something today.

What do you guys bring for food/drink? I've got poptarts, cheese/peanutbutter crackers, and g2 grape. Just had a group of turkeys walk past 20 yards away. Treestands rock.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

I just wear my camelbak full of water. If i need food I leave the woods.
Sux your days was ruined.... I packed up at about 8 am I was sitting over a field with so much fog I could barely see my boots OK maybe that's a bit extreme but there was a point I swear I could barley see the ground
I stayed out until 10:30 or so. I didn't see anything after the doe I missed just before 8:30. I'm still pissed about that. If I don't get up to sit out in the cold tomorrow, I may go to the range & re-sight in the shotgun. Last time I shot a slug out of it was 2010's buck, prior to today.
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