WaPo Editorial Board: The ATF still lacks a leader because of gun obsessives’ delusional oversensitivity


NES Member
Jun 23, 2013
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Archive link for the fearful: Opinion: The ATF still lacks a leader because of gun obsessives’ delusional oversensitivity
The real problem is that Mr. Chipman, himself a gun owner, has said things mildly critical of U.S. gun culture’s excesses. He has warned that people sometimes buy guns to give themselves a sense of protection or control, but that having a gun in the house without proper training or storage is risky, urging new gun owners to “hide it behind the cans of tuna and beef jerky that you’ve stored in the cabinet.” Explaining the popularity of the AR-15 rifle, Mr. Chipman said in 2018, “I would compare it to the same reason Americans might want a muscle car or enjoy a muscle car: It’s American-made, it has outsized power.” Statements such as these have riled sportsmen’s groups that see them as dismissive of gun enthusiasts.

This opposition says more about gun advocates’ toxic obsession with firearms, and the pervasive denial of reality that goes with it, than Mr. Chipman’s suitability for a job that should be filled by someone in touch with the facts. In truth, introducing guns into homes without proper precautions leads to large numbers of preventable firearm deaths every year. In fact, AR-15s are unnecessary for hunting, protection or any other legitimate civilian application, and their popularity reflects poorly on supposedly responsible gun owners.

The ATF should be conducting more research and releasing more information on how guns get to criminals. The agency should run more and tougher investigations on irresponsible gun sellers. Mr. Chipman has emphasized the need to combat firearms trafficking, which should be a top priority as urban crime rates rise. Gun zealots have targeted the ATF for years. Their cockamamie conspiracy theories and bizarre infatuation with the weapons of war should not continue to hobble this agency’s lifesaving mission.
The WaPo Editorial Board is playing to the paper's readership with this article. There should be no doubt what they think of those who don't advocate for firearm prohibition.
How do criminals get guns? By being CRIMINALS that don't follow the law. So let's make more laws the CRIMINALS won't follow to try and solve the problem. When CRIMINALS break the new laws, let's let them out on no bond release. Then when the trial comes, let's let DA's plea bargain down to lessor crimes, so the CRIMINALS get let back onto the streets to continue their criminal behavior of not following the law.

I know. Don't say it.
Given Chipman's history at anti-gun lobbying groups, imagine how WaPo would have reacted if the Trump administration had put up a lobbyist from, say, NSSF as their candidate to head up BATFE?

No, the ATF still doesn't have a leader because Chipman
1. Is a liar and babykiller who was at Waco and lied about Branch Davidians shooting down FBI helicopters with 50 cal rifles
2. Is a gun control mouthpiece lobbyist for the left whom shilled for the Gifford Group
3. Casually refers to law abiding gun owners as a cross between Tiger King and Doomsday Preppers
4. Is a casual racist and has numerous complaints of sexual harassment from his time at the ATF
5. Failed to disclose to Congress his paid appearance on Chinese State-run media outlets
6. Wants to ban "assault weapons" but cannot actually define what an assault weapon actually is

.........Among other things. f*** off WaPo. Go back to being a propaganda-ridden fake news piece of crap media outlet.

Government doesn't grant rights. God grants rights. Government exists to protect those rights. When government infringes on those rights, 1776 happens.
"The real problem is that Mr. Chipman, himself a gun owner, has said things mildly critical of U.S. gun culture’s excesses."

Right. That's the whole problem, WaPo. He's been mildly critical, nothing more.
Even if Ted Nugent was head of the ATF, I'd still want it dismantled. The problem isn't the ATF is leaderless the problem is the ATF exists.
Maybe especially in that case, but Ted's a grifter and an all-around dick.

The problem is that ATF exists, GCA '68 exists, and NFA '34 exists.
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