I sent this letter off this morning to my future state senator and state representative in New Hampshire.
Dear Senator Barnes/Representative Buxton.
I wanted to take a moment this morning to introduce myself. My name is Bruce [last name], and I am just one of the latest wave of Massachusetts residents to express displeasure with the way Massachusetts has been governed as of late by relocating to New Hampshire. I will be starting a new job in Manchester in a few weeks and just yesterday, we put in an offer on what we hope will be our new home in Brentwood, as of December 12th.
Officials in Massachusetts are quick to blame this "Mass. Exodus"on the high cost of housing. This is not entirely accurate. I can afford, financially, to live in Massachusetts, but I can no longer afford to live under a system of government where my voice is routinely ignored by the arrogant politicians on Beacon Hill, supposedly elected to "represent" my interests.
After reading of the election results in New Hampshire in this morning papers, I am now concerned that the reasons we, and many other people, are moving to New Hampshire might soon be relegated to mere historical footnote status.
It is no coincidence that the population of Massachusetts has been in steady decline, while New Hampshire's population has seen the strongest growth of all six New England states. As you know, New Hampshire enjoys a competitive edge over its neighboring states that has resulted in families and businesses moving into the state and bolstering the state's economy.
My reasons for moving to New Hampshire include:
1. Lower tax burden
2. Lower crime rate
3. Less intrusive government
4. Common sense gun laws that recognize and respect my rights
5. Respect for immigration laws
6. Great environment in which to raise my children
The list goes on.
If any of the newly elected members to the state legislature, or incumbents for that matter, begin to take New Hampshire down the path toward becoming just another Massachusetts, that will not sit easy with me. I've been there, and done that. The last thing New Hampshire needs is to flush its "Live Free or Die" mentality down the proverbial toilet.
I'm looking forward to enjoying my new life in the Granite State. Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is any way I can be of help in our fight to preserve the beautiful, free state of New Hampshire.
Bruce [last name]