Video - UPS Hijacking, shootout with police in Florida

The cops ultimate goal is public safety. The whole reason they chase bad guys and try to apprehend them is because it deters the bad guys from engaging in an unlawful behavior. The overall effect is beneficial to public safety. When they indiscrimately shoot at bad guys in the presence of good guys then what you have is a threat to public safety.

But for the police going full retard, all the good guys get to be with their loved ones tonight. There should be so much public outrage over this. What the police just said by way of their actions is collateral damage is secondary to making sure the bad guy gets caught. Maybe there is 100 packages on the truck with an average value of say $100. Innocent people are dead over $10k??? It will be a huge mistake if the cops and prosecutors try to spin this any other way than an absolute avoidable tragedy

What a shame though to have all that gear, all those guns and all that tactical training to never actually get to use it!
The cops ultimate goal is public safety. The whole reason they chase bad guys and try to apprehend them is because it deters the bad guys from engaging in an unlawful behavior. The overall effect is beneficial to public safety. When they indiscrimately shoot at bad guys in the presence of good guys then what you have is a threat to public safety.
When they indiscriminately shoot at bad guys in the middle of a traffic jam it deters single occupancy vehicle travel on highways. This both reduces traffic and lowers the carbon footprint. The overall effect is beneficial to public transportation and the environment. [smile]
This ain't new either or FL thing, remember when there was a shootout in NYC on a crowded street with cops laying down a few civs? Yeah, that did much to change their opinion or anyone's on the matter.

I remember that, at the end of the whole thing like 5 random bystanders got shot, and none of them were hit from the bad guy's gun..... [rofl]

These video games are getting too real...

I would have driven away. You want to use me as your "cover"? You got another thing coming.

Horrible situation. Condolences to the dead (yes, including the dumb jewelry thieves because stealing rare crystals doesn't deserve a death sentence) and I hope the idiot cops get what they deserve.
Not only do police have no duty to protect individuals, they also cannot be held responsible for damage / loss of your property or your injury or death.

Doesn't matter of they're on or off duty.

This needs to change.

The UPS drivers father will be lucky if he lives long enough to see a settlement on a lawsuit, that is if the state even lets him file one.
Watch the video towards the end where the bail out is. Look at the side of the truck. Note the amount of impacts in very interesting (i.e, not aiming) spots. The truck looks like it was being hit from nearly all sides. Keep in mind this things sheet metal. The police were probably inadvertently shooting through the truck and at each other, along with the public.

I'd be very interested to know if the UPS driver was shot by the thiefs, police or both. Along with the poor person stuck in traffic.
Watch the video towards the end where the bail out is. Look at the side of the truck. Note the amount of impacts in very interesting (i.e, not aiming) spots. The truck looks like it was being hit from nearly all sides. Keep in mind this things sheet metal. The police were probably inadvertently shooting through the truck and at each other, along with the public.

I'd be very interested to know if the UPS driver was shot by the thiefs, police or both. Along with the poor person stuck in traffic.
Of course he was shot by the criminals wearing badges. It was for our own protection you know!
What do you do in that situation if a LEO is using your car to hide behind and thus drawing fire your way? Drive away? Stay put?
Quickly decide between forward and reverse, then put the pedal to the metal. Try not to hit him but also get yourself out of the position that he put you into. Expect to be arrested.
Quickly decide between forward and reverse, then put the pedal to the metal. Try not to hit him but also get yourself out of the position that he put you into. Expect to be arrested.

I’m not going out of my way to not run over anyone’s toes (or head) if I’m getting shot at and trying to make my escape. Especially when those toes or head were attached to some douchebag who was using me as cover in their idiotic gunfight a moment earlier. In that moment that a**h*** cop is as much a threat to me as the guy he’s shooting at. F them both.
Watch the video towards the end where the bail out is. Look at the side of the truck. Note the amount of impacts in very interesting (i.e, not aiming) spots. The truck looks like it was being hit from nearly all sides. Keep in mind this things sheet metal. The police were probably inadvertently shooting through the truck and at each other, along with the public.

I'd be very interested to know if the UPS driver was shot by the thiefs, police or both. Along with the poor person stuck in traffic.
1. Leave the fake detail you're not working at but being paid $60 an hour for because the homies need some help
2. Stop vehicle in most crowded section of highway possible.
3. Surround vehicle in a 360 degree fashion
4. Expend all rounds in the general vicinity of a 20'x10' target (this is MUCH easier than those pesky 12 inch targets we cant hit at 7 yards!!!)
5. During first reload, realize you are taking incoming rounds
6. Be too dumb to realize these are the rounds from your fellow homies on the other side of the truck
7. Fumble reload
8. Dump two more mags in the general vicinity because now you think you're taking fire.
9. Kill a couple innocent bystanders, shoot up a dozen cars, kill the one hostage, and maybe get the bad guys.
10. Be thanked by the company that you just shot up publicly.
11. Go home to your wife but all you can think of is hitting up grindr to relieve the stress.

f*** all of them. Real heroes.
Monday morning quarterback again but with his driver door wide open and taking that u turn as slow as he did , would have been a good time to bail out .
Would have been a great time to slam into the UPS truck at full speed with the cop truck trying to disable it instead of letting it make the turn, or they could have tried to at least block the road with all the other LEO vehicles and not allow it back into a heavy traffic area.
I just remember this, Anyone remember Fox's Worlds Wildest Police Chases? Kind of makes me think about when the cops backed off when it was too dangerous for the surroundings to continue and left it up to the helicopter.
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