Video - Family mugged in broad daylight by knife wielding POS

I'd take the road rash from giving her a flying dropkick, eff that take a swipe at my kid or family it's game on I'm not afraid to take a cut.
What a world of pussies we live in. Someone let that "man" reproduce?

I think he did alright. He grasped the situation quickly enough to prevent the second child from receiving a face slashing.

Anyway, it's Tbilisi, Georgia. After she's done her 10 years in jail I imagine she might meet with a tragic accident.
I would have told the wife to run with the kids and then helped that robust women under a car in the street.
And note well: under - not in front of.

That's a lot of ballistic gel to penetrate...
In the above Tragic Pedestrian Accident scenario,
they'd need @Zappa to lift the car off of her.
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