VIDEO: BLM Militants Draw AR-15s And AK-47s On Portland Motorists; No Police On Scene As Reign Of Terror Continues

The problem with cities like portland, la and others turning into dumpter fires is that the people who voted for bad policies that turned them into dumpster fires flee like rats from a sinking ship and move to places like NH where pro liberty/conservatives have generally speaking done a good/better job of implementing "good policies" that make these places desirable.

Problem is that these blow ins dont make the connection between the dumpster fire's they fled and their bad voting history/support for bad policies/politicians.

We've been watching this happen the last 12 months wrt folks fleeing mismanaged blue states due to Rona.....without any reflection on what made NY/Mass/NJ such an utter failure.....

The more the above cities degrade, the more people will flee......only people left will be the poorest/least able to flee......not the people that created the dumpster fire via bad policy/governance

Well as the guys who frequent WesternRifleShooters like to say - know your own AO.

I know who all the (apparently) most dedicated Biden voters are in my area - because they were all stupid enough to put Biden signs up on their front lawns. Or in one case - a Trump banner sized Biden sign on the side of his garage.

That guy's house burns first if the lefties decide to turn this area into an operating zone for BLM & Antifah types.

Oh yeah - and you can find drones that will lift a pretty decent payload BTW. Enough to lift a 64oz soda bottle full of gasoline. You know - in case you run out of gas and just need somebody to airlift you enough to make it to the next station.

You keep talking about affecting local politics - well if you can't affect your own local politics enough to keep all the shitbags from the blue states out, well then you're not going to be accomplish jack shit in a state all the way on the other side of the country. The best you can hope for is a nice bonfire of an example of "don't be stupid like these people were". And if the new imports start mouthing off - well that's even more reason to hope that their home states end up as flaming dumpster firest sooner rather than later - because then you've got a really good reason to tell them to STFU or GTFO.
Sometimes a part of me wants this shit show to turn into Mad Max world and call it a day. Mother Nature and survival of the fittest will take care of this shit real fast.

Shows like Jericho starting to reflect real life the way we are going.

My response was to your statement below

And my assertion is that we will NOT be better off if these cities turn into dumpster fires.

In fact we will be much much WORSE off as they degrade due to flight to republican states to escape the bad policy they've voted for decade after decade.

Look no further than Arizona and Texas as examples of what happens when same people flee states like Cali......fully 1/3 of all eligible voters in Az are people who fled Cali and its bad policies.

Its negatively impacting Arizona, its elections and ability to maintain/continue to enact "good policy"

We and the nation are far better off if these folks continue to remain in these states

The worse things get in Cali/Oregon/Washington, the more people will flee the states/cities for states like NH that largely enact good policy/government

I saw your response - and I think you're completely wrong on that.

Joe and Jane America are looking for any and all reasons to just ignore shit and hope it goes away. That's pretty much what your angle is with that response. "Let's hope it doesn't get any worse".

Phuck that.

We may well be in an epic struggle for the survival of the country in some semblance of it's former self. Hoping that the shitbag blue areas retain some semblance of normalcy is NOT in your long term benefit. What is in your benefit is for them to burn catastrophically and publicly so that the effects of having radical leftists in charge are in your face and clear for all to see.

Only then will you somehow be able to muster up enough political capital to make sure the same shit doesn't happen in YOUR area.

"Don't be stupid like those people" is a really good political bargaining chip.

If people are leaving those areas - that is a separate issue and needs to be dealt with as such. Spending precious political capital trying to somehow keep blue areas from burning - is not a good use of resources. If CA/NY/NJ/OR/WA shitbags are scumming up NH and are making their voting patterns known .......... maybe it's time for letters to the editor - or signs on lamp posts that say something along the lines of " Hey blue state shitbags - you're not wanted here - your home state is burning - that's your fault - don't come here and do it again"
Wait.....are you suggesting that the original purpose of major paved roads was so that pedestrians could BLOCK or OBSTRUCT traffic/primary vehicle use of these roads?
Not at all. What I’m saying is the drivers are just driving to get down the road, which is meant for cars.

The company’s founder told a manufacturing industry group on Friday that the nonlethal weapon was inspired by the Black Lives Matter protests during the summer of 2020. He said motorists could use the device against crowds of protesters that pose a direct threat, saying it provides a less-than-lethal option for drivers responding to threats of violence from inside their vehicles.”

“But others are concerned that the device, which is not yet on the market, could be misused and would make the legal act of demonstrating more difficult and dangerous.
“People have a right to protest in this country,” said Zach Heiden, chief counsel at ACLU of Maine. “Civil rights demonstrators already have a problem with violence from police and counter-protesters; they don’t need the additional worry of motorists indiscriminately spraying them with pepper spray while they are fighting for their rights

If protesters want to pull a few people out of cars, beat them and burn their cars, they are simply using the legitimate voice the oppressed to protest.


The company’s founder told a manufacturing industry group on Friday that the nonlethal weapon was inspired by the Black Lives Matter protests during the summer of 2020. He said motorists could use the device against crowds of protesters that pose a direct threat, saying it provides a less-than-lethal option for drivers responding to threats of violence from inside their vehicles.”

“But others are concerned that the device, which is not yet on the market, could be misused and would make the legal act of demonstrating more difficult and dangerous.
“People have a right to protest in this country,” said Zach Heiden, chief counsel at ACLU of Maine. “Civil rights demonstrators already have a problem with violence from police and counter-protesters; they don’t need the additional worry of motorists indiscriminately spraying them with pepper spray while they are fighting for their rights

If protesters want to pull a few people out of cars, beat them and burn their cars, they are simply using the legitimate voice the oppressed to protest.

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Isn't pepper spray flammable? how difficult would it be to add an ignitor?
reminds me how in the shop i knew the owner of - back in early 90s they had a whole method of how to weld a support for the PKM tripod in the front sunroof of a toyota land cruiser - a gunner would be standing in the second sunroof opening. was handy for a support vehicles they ran along with a contraband moving trucks from china.

but, i gotta say, blm indeed steps up the game. they do not waste time and are arming up good. that is the real 'well regulated militia' of our times, it seems, whether we like it or not.

I would like to hear David Hogg's thoughts on assault rifles in this case. The sound of hypocrisy is deafening.

The company’s founder told a manufacturing industry group on Friday that the nonlethal weapon was inspired by the Black Lives Matter protests during the summer of 2020. He said motorists could use the device against crowds of protesters that pose a direct threat, saying it provides a less-than-lethal option for drivers responding to threats of violence from inside their vehicles.”

“But others are concerned that the device, which is not yet on the market, could be misused and would make the legal act of demonstrating more difficult and dangerous.
“People have a right to protest in this country,” said Zach Heiden, chief counsel at ACLU of Maine. “Civil rights demonstrators already have a problem with violence from police and counter-protesters; they don’t need the additional worry of motorists indiscriminately spraying them with pepper spray while they are fighting for their rights

If protesters want to pull a few people out of cars, beat them and burn their cars, they are simply using the legitimate voice the oppressed to protest.

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The far left Libs will NOT smarten up even if their cities go up in flames. They are totally committed ideologues, brainwashed since HS/College and have no ability to think thru their decisions. Mentally and emotionally they can't accept the fact their beliefs are wrong and will only result in more poverty and violence. Just look at the Biden Admin and the Dems in charge today, faced with a potential destruction in the midterms they are doubling down on the "progressive" anti-America agenda. Liawatha actually screeched that they need to pass their radical agenda to demonstrate their competence [rofl]
“But others are concerned that the device, which is not yet on the market, could be misused and would make the legal act of demonstrating more difficult and dangerous.
“People have a right to protest in this country,” said Zach Heiden, chief counsel at ACLU of Maine. “Civil rights demonstrators already have a problem with violence from police and counter-protesters; they don’t need the additional worry of motorists indiscriminately spraying them with pepper spray while they are fighting for their rights

One of these days someone is going to drive right through these people
It’s happened a lot already.
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