VHF contest this weekend….


Navy Veteran
NES Member
Dec 17, 2010
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And 6 is open! In the space of just a few minutes, I worked four stations on six. Colorado, Oregon, Montana and Illinois. Just using my OCFD, a compromise antenna at best on six. I gotta get my 5 element beam in the air!
And 6 is open! In the space of just a few minutes, I worked four stations on six. Colorado, Oregon, Montana and Illinois. Just using my OCFD, a compromise antenna at best on six. I gotta get my 5 element beam in the air!
The best contacts I've had on 6 so far are guys who basically tuned up just whatever they had in the air. I guess when 6 is open, it's OPEN.
My buddy just got his 220 and 1.296 gear finished. He'll make it sound like he just twisted some wires together, but in reality he designed the control interface, TX/RX switching, had custom PCBs made, etc. I'm sure he's working the contest this weekend.
The best contacts I've had on 6 so far are guys who basically tuned up just whatever they had in the air. I guess when 6 is open, it's OPEN.
Yup...right now it sounds like 20 meters! I haven't been part of an opening like this in years. Good stuff
You don't have to be participating in the contest to respond, correct? I answered a guy on 6, told him I wasn't participating and he didn't correct or educate me. So when I heard him again on 2m FM I answered again. I've heard a few people on 146.52, but this guy is coming in from Mt Equinox, about 55 miles away.
You don't have to be participating in the contest to respond, correct? I answered a guy on 6, told him I wasn't participating and he didn't correct or educate me. So when I heard him again on 2m FM I answered again. I've heard a few people on 146.52, but this guy is coming in from Mt Equinox, about 55 miles away.
nope, you don’t need to be a bonafide contestant to play in the contest…I worked about 25 stations on six…all I did was log their call sign and grid square. Didn't even need to exchange sig reports but I did anyway. Strangely, I think half the stations I worked were in the Maryland area. I might get back on tomorrow for a few hours. It’s so different operating here in the Midwest than it was in NH. Up there I worked many stations that were operating from mountain tops…not a lot of mountains around here (none actually) so you really need a tower and yagis to squirt a decent signal to the horizon. I have the yagi…just no tower yet.
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