Update: Got my form 1!! Only took 7 months!

Mar 30, 2009
Green Eggs and...
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So I got a call today from the examiner asking for a copy of my LTC-A for my form 1... I know I included it initially and it was explained to me that it likely got lost by one of the many people who handled the paperwork along the way... Anywho, she was gracious enough to let me email it to her.

If the examiner is reviewing it now, does that mean I am likely to see it back soon? I suppose I should have asked her directly when I was on the phone with her.

My check was cashed the end of December, and it was sent in a few weeks prior, so I am looking at 7 months currently.

Thanks guys

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Good to hear it! Fortunately I was able to just email it. Is there anyway to find out if its approved prior to receiving the stamp so I can send the lower out for engraving?

My examiner called me about my LTC, he told me to submit it on the e-form website with everything i already submitted. I got my stamp the same day i submitted the LTC copy.
E-Forms only work for trusts, right?

I was looking at the NFA-tracker and some "conventional" applicants who had their checks cashed in December have received their tax stamp. I imagine I will be getting mine back shortly. At least I hope so!
I was looking at the NFA-tracker and some "conventional" applicants who had their checks cashed in December have received their tax stamp. I imagine I will be getting mine back shortly. At least I hope so!

Historically, examiners have been assigned regionally, and delay varies by which examiner is processing your application. So you could have a few more months to go, or it could be in the mail now.
I also neglected to print it double sided but the woman I spoke with said she fixed it for me.


Sent from my cell phone with a tiny keyboard and large thumbs...
Congrats, that's actually a decent return time considering some of the horror stories I've read about.

Going to pick up a couple of suppressors soon and hope they process as quickly or less.

Good luck with the build, post a pic if you can.
I need to get it engraved before I can assembly it I assume. It's basicallygoing to be an LWRC UCIW in .300AAC

Stock photo

I'll probably change some minor features

I need to get it engraved before I can assembly it I assume. It's basicallygoing to be an LWRC UCIW in .300AAC

Stock photo

I'll probably change some minor features


Are you just talking about the features of the UCIW without the short stroke, or an actual UCIW in 300blk, I don't think lwrc makes a 300blk???
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