Unable to upload photos

Jan 1, 2006
North Shore
Feedback: 39 / 0 / 0
"Upload of file failed" is shown. Is this a setting problem that I need to correct on my end or is there something else wrong? I am within the forum parameters on file size and am not doing anything different than I have before. This problem started right after the forum downtime a few weeks ago. Please help as I have lots of morally questionable photos I want to share.
Doesn't work.

We have to wait for Dave to get back from Army Basic Training to fix that stuff.

Dave is the computer guru who set everything up on NES and a buddy of Derek's. Never met him (he lives in MN) and only seen him post here (mostly in the Mods forum only) a handful of times.

I have no idea when he's getting back either.

When we had the outage and moved from MN to NH, a few things were broken. I guess fixing them isn't trivial, so we need to wait for the expert.

It's a PITA, but we all need patience I guess.
Have you tried photobucket, Chris? It's free and really easy to keep everything organized. Plus, once you upload a picture, all you have to do is copy and paste the code it gives you, and it'll show up on NES properly...And I have not received any spam due to photobucket.
Have you tried photobucket, Chris? It's free and really easy to keep everything organized. Plus, once you upload a picture, all you have to do is copy and paste the code it gives you, and it'll show up on NES properly...And I have not received any spam due to photobucket.

Ditto on the Photobucket idea. I use them also and have had good results with them. And, it is free (at least the basic service most of us would use is).

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