Trump Supporter Draws Gun In Self-Defense After Politically Motivated Attack

Feb 6, 2012
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I'm surprised this hasn't happened more

A Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania man drew his firearm in self-defense after a stranger threatened to assault him and knocked his “Make America Great Again” hat off his head at a local mall. The incident sparked rumors of an active shooter at the mall, according to The Citizens Voice, but police say the man was within his rights to draw his gun.

Wilkes-Barre Twp. police were quick to post on social media that there was no active shooter and the Trump supporter, who holds a concealed carry permit, appeared justified in pulling his gun in self defense.
Chief Will Clark on Tuesday indicated the Trump supporter was the victim and police are still looking for the person who attempted to assault him.
“The individual was wearing a hat in support of Donald Trump,” Clark said. “Apparently, the man told him to take the hat off. He refused. The individual threatened to assault him. The actor then took a swipe at the hat to knock it off his head. At that point, the victim backed up and drew his weapon and pointed it at the ground. The guy took off.”

Clark did say the mall has a “no-guns” policy, and that if mall officials knew he had a gun but refused to leave, he could have faced trespassing charges. As it stands, the armed citizen isn’t facing any charges, but police are still looking for his attacker.

The police chief says both men appear to be strangers to one another, and that this looks like a politically-motivated attack.

I’m glad that no one was seriously hurt in this incident, and that the concealed carry holder acted lawfully. Still, this never should have happened to begin with.

How many times have you been in a public place and have seen someone wearing something that bothers you? What do you typically do? Probably you roll your eyes, or if you’re with someone, you make a snarky comment about. What we don’t generally do is decide to pick a fight with someone because they don’t support our political ideology. I’ve never yelled at a person with a Bernie bumper sticker, for instance.

Unfortunately, there are some weirdos out there who believe that being exposed to ideas they disagree with is cause for them to get aggressive and even violent. It’s not something that’s exclusive to one political ideology or another, though it does seem like we see these stories of Trump supporters being attacked far more than we see stories of people being threatened for wearing Pete Buttigieg or Joe Biden campaign swag.

Be vigilant out there, and be responsible as well. And if, for some reason, you’re one of those loons who would slap the hat off of someone’s head because you don’t agree with the writing on the ball cap, here’s some advice. Take a deep breath, slowly count to five, and then go get a life. We live in a country with freedom of speech and the right of self-defense, and committing an act of violence against someone for their political views isn’t likely end up like you think it will.
Assault is assault. Some people like to learn the hard way.

Uh no, the threshold for the use of deadly physical force in most states is a reasonable fear of grave injury or death.

Sorry, but this was not ethically justified in my humble opinion.

I'm glad it worked out that way. But it wasn't justified.
Uh no, the threshold for the use of deadly physical force in most states is a reasonable fear of grave injury or death.

Sorry, but this was not ethically justified in my humble opinion.

I'm glad it worked out that way. But it wasn't justified.
A Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania man drew his firearm in self-defense after a stranger threatened to assault him and knocked his “Make America Great Again” hat off his head at a local mall.
Uh no, the threshold for the use of deadly physical force in most states is a reasonable fear of grave injury or death.

Sorry, but this was not ethically justified in my humble opinion.

I'm glad it worked out that way. But it wasn't justified.

Orly? What if the guy has a good 4" and 100lbs on you? What if he threatened to kill you and your family while he gets up in your face close enough to knock that hat off? What if you notice he's reaching with the other hand for something in his pocket? He's already within knifing distance, after all.

The point here is that you were not there, so who are you to pass judgement without any of the relevant facts of what actually happened?
We went through a spate of incidents where offended people tried forcibly pulling up other people's pants when they deemed them offensively too low.
Every time I see someone " sagging", I just shake my head in disbelief, but I'm not going to rush over and yank em up for him, or her, that never crossed my mind.
He. Didn’t. Use. Deadly. Force.


Forgive us. In mASS, showing a gun could be construed as deadly force. Mentioning a gun could be construed as deadly force. Saying Meagan (Meh-GUN) Markle could be construed as deadly force. Hell, giving the finger could be construed as using field artillery and mortars in mASS. LOL
Does knocking off a hat justify lethal force???
He didn't apply lethal force at all. He didn't even point the gun at the a**h***.

He displayed the gun after he was threatened .....and the a**h*** got the point.

Easily defendable in any case like this...."your honor......he knocked my hat off and said he was going to beat my ass.....and I believed him"!
Uh no, the threshold for the use of deadly physical force in most states is a reasonable fear of grave injury or death.

Sorry, but this was not ethically justified in my humble opinion.

I'm glad it worked out that way. But it wasn't justified.
I don't know about "most states", but I do remember that in Texas, you can be justified to threaten deadly force, without being justified to use deadly force.
I can't believe I missed hearing about that. That's absolutely hilarious!
Oh yeah. Google "sagging pants laws". All sorts of people were having conniptions about seeing the tops of boxers, and a few decided to take matters into their own hands.

Personally, I've never once been tempted to handle someone else's underwear. I spent too many years doing that professionally.
Oh yeah. Google "sagging pants laws". All sorts of people were having conniptions about seeing the tops of boxers, and a few decided to take matters into their own hands.

Personally, I've never once been tempted to handle someone else's underwear. I spent too many years doing that professionally.

You know it's a damned shame you never tossed your hat into the Baseless Lies arena. That would be a perfect setup [laugh]

As for the pants, I remember watch a yute wearing very stylish hoodie sweatshirt, pants halfway down his butt. He was walking across the schoolyard and didn't realize he had an audience. It mist have been 90 degrees. The kid looked miserable, sweating, kept pulling his pants up just a little (there must be some sort of suspenders device they use to keep them at the right height and nobody had clued him in on it). Even years later I still chuckle... I wonder if he ever "woke up".
Uh no, the threshold for the use of deadly physical force in most states is a reasonable fear of grave injury or death.

Sorry, but this was not ethically justified in my humble opinion.

I'm glad it worked out that way. But it wasn't justified.
Would you let someone assault you and not use your firearm to defend yourself? The police said he was justified. He didnt actually shoot anyone but by drawing he stopped the assault. How do you "ethically" judge a situation where you have no first hand knowledge?
I guess you had to be there... We don’t know the Intent, Means, Opportunity, and Preclusion factors. Either the police do and judged him in the right, or they are all Trump supporters too 😉

Read this essay A Nation of Cowards and remember that quote from The Shootist: “I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a-hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”
The only clothing that bothers me is out of shape persons in tight fitting work out clothes. This seems to have exploded in popularity. However ... approaching and touching them is not the reaction it provokes.
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