Training in New York state

May 29, 2006
Essex County
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I wonder what are the laws about going to New York State for rifle/pistol training. Am I allowed to bring rifles/pistols (unloaded in a trunk) for a training class that takes place in NY state as well?

I wonder what are the laws about going to New York State for rifle/pistol training. Am I allowed to bring rifles/pistols (unloaded in a trunk) for a training class that takes place in NY state as well?


I know this thread is a few months old but you can bring your long guns into NY in your trunk as long as they comply with the NY AWB. You can't bring your pistol into NY at all unless you have a NY pistol permit.
You can't bring your pistol into NY at all unless you have a NY pistol permit.

Actually, there is an exemption for competition.

S 265.20 Exemptions.

13. Possession of pistols and revolvers by a person who is a
nonresident of this state while attending or traveling to or from, an
organized competitive pistol match or league competition under auspices
of, or approved by, the National Rifle Association and in which he is a
competitor, within forty-eight hours of such event or by a person who is
a non-resident of the state while attending or traveling to or from an
organized match sanctioned by the International Handgun Metallic
Silhouette Association and in which he is a competitor, within
forty-eight hours of such event, provided that he has not been
previously convicted of a felony or a crime which, if committed in New
York, would constitute a felony, and further provided that the pistols
or revolvers are transported unloaded in a locked opaque container
together with a copy of the match program, match schedule or match
registration card. Such documentation shall constitute prima facie
evidence of exemption, providing that such person also has in his
possession a pistol license or firearms registration card issued in
accordance with the laws of his place of residence. For purposes of this
subdivision, a person licensed in a jurisdiction which does not
authorize such license by a person who has been previously convicted of
a felony shall be presumed to have no prior conviction. The
superintendent of state police shall annually review the laws of
jurisdictions within the United States and Canada with respect to the
applicable requirements for licensing or registration of firearms and
shall publish a list of those jurisdictions which prohibit possession of
a firearm by a person previously convicted of a felony or crimes which
if committed in New York state would constitute a felony.
Ok so in New York State you do not need to have a license to have a rifle or shotgun, everywhere except New York City and the other four boroughs. With that said, As long as you travel through the city and stay on the major highways until you go through any of the five boroughs you will be fine. You should note that you can’t have any mags with a capacity greater then ten rounds, anywhere in New York. Even if post band, LEO may give you a hard time.
Everything else should apply to transporting your guns, unloaded in the trunk locked and ammo in side the vehicle away for the guns.
The above is correct. There is a Peaceable Journey Law. No Pistols unless you are attending an NRA santionced Match and have a Match Program detailing the event. Basically, no Pistols. Rifles must comply with NYS AWB.
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